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ANNUAL SALE OF MELBOURNE YEARLINGS YEARLINGSTwentysix Twentysix choice thoroughbred yearlings twenty colts and six fillies selected from the Melbourne Stud lot of forty head and sired by eight or ten leading sires will bo sold at public auction under a large tent with ring and full seating capacity at the theRACE RACE TRACK OF BROOKLYN JOCKEY CLUB CLUBbefore before the races of that day commencing at twelve oclock noon on onWednesday Wednesday June 5 5Buyers Buyers should remember that Handsping the champion of his year was the first foal dropped at Melbourne as well as Prince of Melbourne the acknowledged champion threeyearold and Beau Gallant the king of twoyearolds both of last year as well as a host of other grand performers were produced at Melbourne This consignment of yearlings will now aver ¬ age over fifteen hands high and have the repu ¬ tation in Kentucky of being the finest lot that will be offered this year It is the firm belief of the proprietor of Melbourne Stud that strictly high class race horses can be bred and raised with more success if separated than if banded together in large numbers and all the yearlings in this consignment have been raised raisedmift mift flo idan rt vnotinr I J U class racers The dams of these yearlings after having been bred were kept on no less than six different farms and their produce on four dif ¬ ferent farms miles apart on places of wide range and where no other horses were kept They are well engaged in classic stakes stakesChoice Choice yearlings from the Larchmont Stud will also be sold at this sale The sale will ba held under the management of the FasigTiptou Company of New York with William Easton as auctioneer