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Mi Racing Form ISSUED EVERY DAY imerican Turf Congress Record OFFICIAL OEGAN OF THE AMERICAN TURF CONGRESS Western JocKey Dluli Bulletin BulletinOFFICIAL OFFICIAL OEOAN OF OFTHE THE WESTERN JOCKEY CLUB Sntercd in the Post OfBco at Chicago as second class matter DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO L Dally Reflection of the American Turf by Telegraph EDITOR AND PROPEIETOB F E BEUNELL BEUNELLASSOCIATE ASSOCIATE EDITOE CLINTON C RILEY RILEYBEOEETAET BEOEETAET Mss F H BBUNELL 124126 Fifth Avenue Chicago Illinois COPYRIGHTED COPYRIGHTEDSniartd Sniartd according to Act of Congress in tho jr ar 1901 by Frank H Brunell in the office of the Librarian of Congress at Washing ¬ ton D C U 8 A AThe The chart and index numbers and track form of DAILY RACING FOEM must not be used They are copyrighted daily and will bo keenly protected SauEOBiPTiONS MOST BE PAID IN ADVANCE SINGLE COPY 5 CENTS TERMS TERMSPer Per Month S 125 125Half Half Year 750 750One One Year 1400 1400ihe ihe above rates aro for single copies as sealed sealedletters letters firstclass mail ally Racing Form Publishing Co prefers to toBand Band single copies as firstclass mail in all allcases cases Local subscriptions ontside tho down town towndistrict district will be declined at other than flrst flrstclaes claes mail matter rates To be considered and answered all queries to DAILY RACING FORM must be sent over the full name and with the name of the writer Those names and addresses are subject to a local and foreign directory tost