St. Louis Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1901-06-15


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ST LOUIS FORM CHART CHARTST ST IOUIS MO Juno 14 Thirtyninth day St Louis Fair Association Spring Meeting Weather clear track fast Presiding Judge P A Brady Starter W F Brnen Racing starts at 230 pm O PC O Q 1 FIRST RACE 34 Mile Purse 400 3yearolda and upward Maidens Allowances Ind Horses A Wt St J4 H 3 BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 256602T COMMANDER 3 102 6 22 2NK 12 11 ONeil Talbot Bros 45 1 910 out 25352 MR MULKEY 3 104 4 4a 411 22 2H Hafloy W Mulkey 12 15 15 6 21809 DELSABTE 6 110 8 61 511 61 32 Dale T Sayers 15 20 20 8 25526 FERNANDEZ 9 110 1 3 SH 43 Tubervillo D W Covington 40 50 50 20 i0938 LA CAR1NA 4106 9 1H 6il 811 5H Finnerty GHJEichschlag 20 30 30 12 25867 MAGGIE MH ALE 3 106 10 12 7 9 62 WainwrightD A Irons Co 30 30 30 12 21222 MENTO 4 106 11 13 8 10 71 Vancamp F W Johnson 40 60 60 20 198S1 HAZEL H 4 106 3 1 11 41 81 Conrad E Fanning 20 20 16 C 25660 LAND SHOT 3 100 14 71 9 71 92 A Weber B Schreiber 8 10 10 4 25718 FRANK PEARCE 4 111 7 51 10 5i 10 Honck M A Stevenson 15 20 20 8 25926 MANDAMUS 4 IOC 5 93 11 11 11 R Smith J B Horstman 30 30 30 12 25136 PR STNMOUTHS 101 15 14 13 12 12 T OBrien FizerCo 5662 21000 SUBLIMITY 4 106 2 15 li 13 13 Gilmore J 8 Bratton 30 30 20 8 25903 JODGE KEMP 310212 8114 14 It Givons C Roberts 30 30 30 10 TOP 10TOP BOOTS 4 108 13 101 15 15 15 Plnnkett T A Gay Co 40 60 60 20 Time 20Time 121 24 30 48 1 01i 1 15 Winner 15Winner B g by The Commoner Matilda MatildaWent Went to post at 231 At poet 6 minutes Start good Won handily next two driving The Commander was best of an absolutely worthless lot Mr Mnlkey had fair spaed and was best of the others Dolaarte ran a fair race Fernandez hung at the finish Hazel H had some early speedOverweights speed Overweights Mr Mnlkey 2 pounds Frank Pearco 3 Prince Stouemonth 2 Mr Mulkey show 2 to 1 Delsarte show 3 to 1 O PC Q O iJ SECOND RACE 4 13 l urlongs Purse 400 2yearolds Maidens e 7 O Allowances Ind Horses A Wt St Ji K 5 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 259022M1S8 WANDELOHR115 6 32 23 11 ONeil Haley Bros 32 32 65 920 24051 MARQUE 115 7 21 33 23 VVedstrandT H Stevens 366 24923 BANDROL 107 1 13 12 31 Gilmore K R Rico 465 25790 MISS MAYFIELD 105 4 61 52 43 Vancamp J H Turner 20 100 100 50 25676 DUELA 105 3 51 63 5 L Rose ChinnForsythe 3 4 4 75 25790 ANNA ELLIOTT 110 8 81 71 6a F Miles 8 Pack 8 15 15 6 25902 DOE3KIN 115 11 42 41 71 D Vititoe Martin Patton 20 60 60 20 25790 IBOSUTA 105 2 72 81 82 Morse G H Moore 40 30 30 12 25790 DOUBLEDAY 105 9 10 9 9 92 Dale W McCay Co 20 40 40 12 25790 WY AP PER 115 10 11 11 101 Bonner 8 B Burnett 20 40 40 12 258653 PIRATE MAID 110 5 92 10 11 Givens M E Frost 60 100 100 30 Time 30Time 12 24 36 49 56 Winner 56Winner Ch f by Pirate of Penzance Susie Bush Went BushWent to post at 301 At post 4 minutes titart good Won in a hard drive of two Miss Wandolohr was best ridden That won for her Marque can beat her tho same route and weights with a better rider Bandrol showed a fair turn of speed Duela well ridden could never get to the strongScratched front Miss Mayfield closed strong Scratched Eila 115 115Overweights Overweights Bandrol 2 pounds poundsMisa Misa Wandelohr shore out Marque show 4 to 5 Bandrol show ovens Duela show 3 to 5 fc K Q Q O THIRD RACE 1 Mile Puree 400 3yearoldB Selling Ind Horses A Wt St W X StrFin Jockey Owners O H C P 259672BATTUS 101 1 2H 211 23 23 Hi T OBrien P M Civil 3 4 17535 25517 SOOTH BREEZE 94 2 12 Hill IKK 22 ONeil J C Calm 1 32 75 r 25970 ALBERT FDE YEY107 333333 C Houston F Clarkson 758575 Time 758575Time 13 251 37i 50i 1 03 1 15 1 28 1 41 41Winner Winner B R by Azra Meadow Lark LarkWent Went to post at 330 At post 1 minntq Start good Won cleverly after a drive Battus was beat and won all the way The day prior he stopped in an inferior field at six furlongs It was a form jar South Breeze ran a good race at the distance which is a bit beyond her Albsrt F Dewey ran right to his mark PvQQ8 FOURTH RACE 1 14 aLiies Over 5 Hurdles Purse 100 4yearolds 4yearoldsjgjQ jgjQ y J3c and upward Allowances Ind Horsea A Wt St 1 2 3 5 StrFin Jockeys Ownera OHO P 25925 MR ROSE 4 126 3 4 4 4 3 15 112 T Corbloy J R Hiley 233 259043COLN 233259043COLN DAME6 149 1 22 2H 21 1 210 2io Honck B Schreiber 85 2 80 u u 25901TITU8 5 150 2 3 SH li 4 4 33 J Combs Hutchinson Co 21 35 31 1 25904 ARTEMUS 9 125 5 12 H 3 21 31 4 Schill Look St Melvin 8872 20536 IRADEN 6 131 4 Bolted McAnliffe J S Bratton 8 12 12 4 Time 2204 TuberoseWent Winner 2204Winner Blk c by Ben Himyar Tuberose Went to post at 359 At post 3 minutes Start good Won galloping second easily Mr Rose was much the best He lay in a nicp position to the stable turn and then galloped over Colonial Dame who was all out The weight stopped Titus Artemus showed early speed but found the course too long longScratched259043Zufallig Scratched259043Zufallig 125 125Mr Mr Rose show 1 to 2 Colonial Dame show out Titus show 1 to 2 y PC O O PC FIFTH RACK I ll Miles Purse 400 4yearolds and upward Selling Ind Horses A Wt St M H S StrFin Jockeys Owners O H U P 25906 8KILLMAN 6 105 3 111 li 12 Hi 12 Dale MueninghausCo4 41 41 8 5 259303BELLE S1MP8ON4 91 6 6 7 52 42 21 Bell J Keefe Co r ° 2o795A 8TRATHMORE4 103 4 7 311 32 31 31 ONeii T H Stevens 25515 BEAN A 5 105 1 2 2 21 2 4 T OBrien Fizer Co 10 15 15 6 257523K1TTIE CLYDE 4 94 5 31 6 41 58 55 J T Woods T Sayers Co 55475 21833 JGE STEADMAN 8 105 2 41 41 61 G 63 L Rose MdoxChambTnlS 15 15 R 25927 NAN DORA 5 98 7 5H 5 7 7 7 Earl J P Rice 12 20 20 S Time 121 25 37 491 1 02i 1 15l 1 281 1 41 1 48h Winner WoodcockWent 48hWinner B h by Teuton Annie Woodcock Went to post at 4 30 At post 1 minute Start good Won easily Skillman was much the best and won as he pleased Belle Simpson ran to her mark Amelia Strathmoro warmed very sore and stiff She was beautifully ridden through the bunch by ONeil The others had up no excuses excusesOverweights Overweights Skillman 2 pounds Beana 2 Skillman show 4 to 5 Belle Simpson show 3 to 5 Amelia Strathmoro show out Kittio Clyde show 3 to 5 5TPCOOA SIXTH HACE78 Mile Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Selling I Ind Horses A Wt Bt M K K StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P sT258322VERIFY 25753 GRANTOR 5 106 5 6 6 51 33 INK Dale K D Orr 3 4 sT 258322VERIFY 6 106 3 2 21 22 2 21 Gilmoro A Calm 31 4 4 B 25903COG3WELL 3 99 4 42 41 61 42 34 Bell P J Miles 455 ° 259293COLONEL GAY 7 106 1 32 31 3 51 41 Plnnkett T A Gay 8 10 10 1 25794 MENACE 3 9110 71 72 41162 51 ONeil FizerCo 3 3 5i 1 25926JKID MCOY 4 110 7 10 10 10 81 6 Tuberville W L Mower 10 15 15 6 25967 SAMIVEL 6 103 2 13 12 12 Hi 7 F Miles Rogers Miles fO 50 50 1 25930 ORRIS 4 102 6 51 5 72 71 81 Knhn J C Ohi Ohio 10 10 10 21439 DE BLAI8E 5 103 8 82 83 83 910 912 Vancamp F W Johnson 20 30 30 21698 NAN O KEE 4 99 9 9 93 91 10 10 Galbreath S B Burnett 80 300 300 27iWinner Time 300Time 121 24 36 481 1 02 1 14l 1 27i Winner AWent B c by Speculator Grannie A Went to post at 504 At post 9 minute Uf J TO 1 JM Grantor well rated in the middle of bunch ca caand and fouled Cogswell at the end Colonel Gay ran a good race Menacewas supposed toh good thing and was well played She about ran her race Scratched raceScratched 99Grantor 257512Fercy R 106 22558 My Butterfly 99 Grantor show 3 to 5 Verify show 4 to 5 Cocswnll slmm Avnn = r rnana nana = 1 1 t

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Local Identifier: drf1901061501_6_2
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