Washington Park Entries., Daily Racing Form, 1901-06-22


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WASHINGTON PARK ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track fast First Knee 1 Mite 3yearolds and upward Allowances Inrt Horeri ARC W Hdsp 260642 Banizle 6 126 705 70523093Eddie 23093Eddie Jones 6 126 705 70525856Caviar 25856Caviar 4 122 750 75026064Advanca 26064Advanca Guard 4 122 725 25817 Wild Pirate 3 107 705 705249552W 249552W J Deboe 3 107 700 7002602420perator 2602420perator 3 107 735 25886 Jiminez 3 107 685 685258522Henry 258522Henry Burt 3107 705 25681 Lady Padden 3 102 625 62525970Lady 25970Lady Strathmore 3 102 745 26034 Maud Gonno 3 102 745 74525886Trinity 25886Trinity Bell 3 102 735 735Second Second Race 34 BIllo 3yearolds and upward Allowances Allowances259513Sharp 259513Sharp Bird 4 122 710 23126 Gold Or 4 122 650 26023 Tayon 4 122 675 25610 The Rush 4 122 710 25368 Yellow Tail 4 122 725 72525011Headwater 25011Headwater 5 121 695 26023 Sevoy 6 121 6SO 6SO23744Theory 23744Theory 5 119 675 675260233Goorge 260233Goorge Arnold 7 117 715 25S203Isia 3 Ill 675 675260943Money 260943Money Muss 3 108 670 25675 Educate 3 106 610 25857 Likeness 3 106 675 675192932Admonition 192932Admonition 3 99 675 20632 Hattie Juno 3 91 600 600Third Third Race 1 13 Miles Tbo American Derby 20000 added 259 83The Parader 127 740 25938 Boanibert 127 750 750247SO 247SO His Eminence 127 725 72526031Silverdale 26031Silverdale 127 730 26038 Bean Gallant 122 735 260312Sannazaro 735260312Sannazaro 122 720 25S86 72025S86 Jiminez 122 650 650259203Terminns 259203Terminns 122 715 25817 Robert Waddell 119 720 26024 Bratal 119 710 710258212Sadio3 258212Sadio3 117 690 25970Lady 69025970Lady Strathmore 117 695 26024Lady 69526024Lady Schorr 117 730 2G0243Six 7302G0243Six Shooter 115 725 J 725J W Schorr entry entryFourth Fourth Race 7 12 PurlouRS 3yearolds and upward Selling Selling26026Federal 26026Federal 5 112 675 259173 Walkenshaw 7 112 715 715258S83Ecome 258S83Ecome 5 109 665 6652C0663Anthracite 2C0663Anthracite 4 103 670 670221592Flaunt 221592Flaunt 4 107 695 2J6202 6952J6202 Farmer Bennett 3 105 6SO 25951 Maggie Davis 5104 695 257S2Leo 695257S2Leo King 4104 725 26062Mosea 3 102 685 24539 Rollick 3 93 680 259903John 680259903John Drake 3 88 700 700Fifth Fifth Race 4 13 Furlonga 2yearolds Allowances Allowances25324Pentecost 25324Pentecost 123 700 25916Endurancoljy 70025916Endurancoljy Right 120 725 25474 JOHagen 118 660 24861Runnelb 66024861Runnelb 118 685 25742 Red Hook 118 680 25524 Bridge 118 655 26093 Bragg 118 610 25898 William H 118 625 25454Magi 62525454Magi 115 685 24998 The Boston 115 670 25458The 67025458The Four Hundred 115 635 25913 Frank Me Ill 600 26061 Blue Mantel Ill 625 2536523t 6252536523t Sever 108 640 26061 Corinne Unland 108 600 600Sixth Sixth Race 7 13 Furlongs Furlongs3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling 25857 Possart 3 103 675 26026 Knigbtbanneret 4 107 705 260253fiarrask 705260253fiarrask 4 107 695 25224Maiay 69525224Maiay 5 106 700 260973 Chorus Boy 5 106 710 25918Sam 71025918Sam McKeever 5 106 705 25230 Precursor 4 105 690 23951 Haviland 4 104 675 259903Hylo 675259903Hylo 3 96 660 660244053Tho 244053Tho Rogne 3 91 725 26021 Pirates Queen 3 86 705

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1901062201/drf1901062201_2_4
Local Identifier: drf1901062201_2_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800