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FORFEITS AND ARREARS From Whom Due DueBaldwin Baldwin E J W J JSpeirs Speirs Entrance fees and arrears 14000 I Bitzer Peter Prior 5000 Bitzer Peter Wayne 5000 Brown H D Entrance fees 5000 5000Entrance Bush R C Entrance fees 1000 1000Entrance Cahn A Entrance fees 3000 Calm A IdaCicalla 4000 4000Cape Cahn A Cape Jessamine 4000 4000Declaration Cahn A Declaration fees 3000 3000Vacate Cahn J C Vacate 4000 4000South Cahn J C South Breeze 4000 4000Enjoy Cahn J C Enjoy 4000 4000Fairy Calvert T G Fairy Day 5000 5000CorrJgan Carr Felix Burns Waterhouse CorrJgan 4000 4000Entrance Civill P M Entrance fees 3500 3500Entrance Civill P M Entrance fees 20000 20000Artena Corrigan E Artena 5000 5000Fairy CrabbT S Fairy Gift 5000 5000Fairy CrabbT S Fairy Gift 4000 4000Entrance Curry Gil Entrance fees 8500 8500Entrance Darden WW Entrance fees 5500 5500Faywood DeNeffe Cromwell CromwellDonovan Faywood 2500 2500Babbie Donovan John J Babbie 5000 5000Entrance Durnell C E Entrance fees 3500 3500Entrance Fenton T Co Entrance fees 7000 7000Entrance Fizer Co Entrance fees 4000 4000Entrance Forsythe C J Entrance fees 2000 2000Entrance Gaines STBro STBroGardner Entrance fees 3000 3000Entrance Gardner John Entrance fees 3000 3000Entrance Gardner J Entrance fees 2500 2500Dawfyd Gibson A T Dawfyd 1000 1000Balance Gibson Hart Jr Balance due 2300 2300Monk Goldblatt Mrs M Monk Way man 1000 1000Lady Gooding A P Lady Bramble 5000 5000Sister Gooding A P Sister Sudie 5000 5000Robert Graves fc Innes Robert Morrison 5000 5000Red Gwynne H Co Red Signal 2000 2000Yellow HackettJWOP HackettJWOPRomigh Romigh Yellow Tail For Formero mero 14500 14500Carruthers Hale Brady Carruthers 1000 1000Prosper Hall M M Co Prosper La Gai 5000 5000Jack Halmbeck R Jack Hayes 2500 Harlan S P Entrance fees 6000 1 1Presume Harrison J B Presume 5000 5000Entrance HayesIP Entrance fees 31500 j Hayes W M Entrance fees feesHigh Hiner R J High Tone Hiner R J Queen Carnival Hiner R J Queen Carnival Holt J F Entrance fees Huffman John Entrance fees Hughos M S Entrance fees Hutchinson W C Entrance fees Johnson C A Entrance fees feesBugaboo KellyFJ Bugaboo Ketcheman W H Free Lance KileyT Entrance fees KingT Prize Laird W H Amoroso Leigh H E Entrance fees Lyles M C Co Coley Magee T A Declaration fees Magrane W P Entrance fees and McCafferty J J E EF F Simme The Puritan 5000 5000Entrance McCafferty J J Entrance fees 5000 5000Entrannefees McCafferty John Entrannefees 11500 11500Entrance McCay Co Gil GilCurry Curry Entrance fees 7500 7500Faith McLean C R Faith Ward 1000 1000Justus Million BB Justus Goebel 5000 5000Domozetta Mitchell M Domozetta 2500 2500Entrance Moore George H Entrance fees 3500 3500Wager Moore W D Wager 5000 5000Entrance Moshier F C Co CoMyles Entrance fees 1000 1000Zamboanga Myles F Zamboanga 2500 2500Masterful Newman Wm Masterful 1000 1000Arrears Patterson C T Arrears 17700 17700Entrance Patterson C T Entrance fees 5000 5000Entrance Pepper James E Entrance fees 38850 38850Entrance Pepper J E Entrance fees 6500 6500Arrears Pierce Mrs T L Arrears 1000 1000Hy Pierce Z T Hy Admiral 2500 2500Entrance Rainey W H Entrance fees 4000 Reid Carroll Entrance fees 16500 16500Lenox RenzE Lenox 2000 2000Entrance Robinson Leach Entrance fees 12500 12500Entrance Roche W J Entrance fees 4000 4000Entrance Rodgers D P Co CoRodgers Entrance fees 1000 Rodgers MCo Entrance fees 2000 Rome R Entrance fees 1500 1500Mark Roset R L E F FSimms Simms Mark Twain 5000 5000Balance Rowe Bros Balance due 2125 2125Bull Sandford R H T S SCrabb Crabb Bull Skin 5000 5000Entrance Schreiber B Entrance fees 19500 19500Belle Schreiber B Belle Shot 4000 4000Proposal Schreiber B Proposal 4000 4000Entrance Schreiber B Entrance fees 13000 Self Wm E Aunt Rachael 4000 4000Concha Shipp J V Concha 5000 5000The Simms E F The Covenanter 5000 Simms E F Albert Edward 50 00 00Pink Simpson fc Marders Pink Dress 5000 5000Chloris Simpson Marders MardersSmith Chloris 5000 5000Slasher j Smith John Co Slasher 2500 2500Murano j Stanhope H H Murano 5000 5000Entrance I j Stanton P Entrance fees 15500 I Stevens T H Entrance fees 11000 Street S W Entrance fees 4000 StubbsBros Entrance fees 3000 TalbotBros Entrance fees 10500 Thurman A L Marion Forsythe Forsythefilly filly 5000 5000Tusea Thurman A L Tusea 5000 5000Queen Tomlinson Woodford Queen Dixon 500Q Tomlinson P fe Co Entrance 500QEntrance fees 5000 Tomlinson P Entrance fees 12000 Turney Bros Entrance fees 500 500Entrance Viley J B Settle Co Entrance fees 2000 Wallace W M Entran ce fees 5000 5000Entrance Williamson W H Co Entrance fees 4000 4000Arrears Weaver J T Co CoWeir Arrears 6000 6000Entrance Weir W Entrance fees 2000 2000Little Withers George Little Smoke 2500 2500Entrance Woodford Buckner Entrance fees SOOO