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WASHINGTON PARK ENTRIES Probabilities Waathar wet track muddy muddyFirst First Race 1 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances AllowancesInd Ind Horses color sex pedigree Wt Hdcp Hdcp26347GeorKe 26347GeorKe Arnold 7 112 720 26377 Eddie Jones 6 112 740 740264103Rolling 264103Rolling Boer 3 100 690 690Monograph Monograph ch c by byMargrave Margrave Monopoly 3 100 26411Trinity Bell 3 95 750 750Second Second Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances AllowancesInd Ind HOHOB Aae W Hdet I I264332Vnlcain 264332Vnlcain 4 112 750 75023472Montanic 23472Montanic 4 109 740 21854 Guiliana 5 109 600 15780 Sister Mamie 6 109 6CO 26317 Maud Gonne 3 108 735 735Third Third Race 58 Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds Selling 25887 South Trimble 108 655 25489 Blennenworth 108 675 25816 J V Kirby 107 695 I 26286 Hans Wagner 106 660 66024930Jordan 24930Jordan 106 685 26286 Ogle 105 660 25986 Palmetto 103 650 65025362Santa 25362Santa Teresa 101 610 24243 Muresca 100 650 65025963Has 25963Has Gift 100 650 26225 Mabel Winn 100 660 26257 Doreen 100 700 25913 Parnassus 95 665 665Fourth Fourth Race 1 116 Milea Milea3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Handicap 26038 Sidney Lucas 4 122 740 74026318Pink 26318Pink Coat 6 118 740 740263t7George 263t7George Arnold 7 112 725 i i26277Gonfalon 26277Gonfalon 4109 715 26230 Walkenshaw 7 102 750 75026HORolling 26HORolling Boer 3 100 725 72526380Malay 26380Malay 3 100 730 730261353Wild 261353Wild Pirate 3 95 735 735S S C Hildreth entry entryFifth Fifth Race 7 12 Furlongs 3yearolds and upward Selling Selling2631828am 2631828am Lazarus Esq 5 108 710 263152 Prince Blazes 6 106 725 24101 PeaRover 4 106 650 22058 The Bondman 5 105 670 26288 Alaska 6 105 665 26316 HartD 3 105 26290 Alei 4 101 25918 Hermencia 4 104 22433 Ben Battle 4 103 2602 5 Prairie Dog 4 103 26026 Maydine 4 102 26226 Lasance 3 100 26409 Shut Up 3 97 26021 Light Ball 3 89 Sixth Race 7 12 Furlongs Furlongs3yaarolda 3yaarolda and upward Boiling 26230 Walkenshaw 7 110 22149 Kunja 5 109 264123Astor 6 109 263SO Vincennes 5 105 263202 Winter 5 104 24212 Josephine B 5 104 26316 Tom Embry 3 102 26287 Silurian 3 97 26320 Impromptu 3 97 26380 Rollick 3 96 263158outh Breeze 3 96 26320 Nyx 3 92