The July Meeting., Daily Racing Form, 1901-07-08


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T11K JULY MEETING MEETINGThe The regular rronthly meeting of the Board of Stewaids was held on Monday July 1 1The The isquHliflc ticn of the horse Sarncr and of Jockeys J T Woods and B Silvers was re ¬ moved movedApplication Application of C A Johnson a disqualified tremor for reinstatement was denied deniedAt At tle icquest of a number of horsemen de ¬ siring information concerning Rule iOH as ap ¬ plied to meetings held in Canada a recoinmed meeting in Canada was defined to be as follows followsA A meeting in Canada is recognized by the Weftern Jockey Club when held under the sanction of any turf authority which enfoces the forfeit list and lulings of the We tetn Jockey liib including the disqualifications of persons aiid horses for fraudulent piactices AppHcat piacticesAppHcat on of jockey T Walker for license was denied deniedThe The following licenses were revoked revokedTrainers Trainers H H Bronaugh Charles Ray C H Sellers R A Swigert Jockey SwigertJockey C Booker BookerApprentices Apprentices W Adams C Jackson JacksonTio Tio fallowing applications for license were passed for future action actionTrainers Trainers Edward Cleary R W De Noffe Edward Doolan Joseph Hatton Charles Maulding Carroll B iteid Stanley Searcy ind S S Stewart StewartJockeys Jockeys Wm H Blake F ONeil E Pem bert ii auk H Spencer Apprentice SpencerApprentice i TCasterling TCasterlingThe The Chicago Jockey Club reports the indefin ¬ ite suspension of steeplechase jockey S Suth ¬ erland

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Local Identifier: drf1901070801_1_2
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