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SARATOGA KHTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track fast fastFirst First Bace 5 18 Furlongs Furlongs2yearolds 2yearolds Maidena Allowances AllowancesInd Ind Horses Ago Wi Hdcs 27391 Calgarry 112 705 273 i2 Com wall 112 725 27311 Ueraldyn 112 695 6952i3943Tribes 2i3943Tribes Hill 112 720 2742 bediingtou 112 710 27391 John tourlsycorn 112 690 27412 Bhundouneld 112 685 27394 Arruh Qowan 109 695 27274 Feme tfoie 109 700 700274S9 274S9 Torchlight 1C9 710 27439 Lady Ucdiva 109 705 27439 Chickadee 109 710 710274392UeBtitnte 274392UeBtitnte 109 715 715Second Second Baco 1 31G Miles 8yearolds and upward Handicap 27312 First Whip 4 126 730 7302740JJ3His 2740JJ3His Emmenco 3 113 740 740274W 274W Kilogram 4 108 735 735273ti8Aleike 273ti8Aleike 5 90 750 750Third Third Bace 5 18 Furlongs FurlongsThe The Troy Stakes 51000 added added2yearolde 2yearolde Belling 27391 Calgarry 113 725 72527i 27i 92 Fiv Nations 110 710 71027i 27i 92 Kightaway 103 7ao 273 23Kock y 100 740 740268i82Jjeseiie 268i82Jjeseiie 92 735 735Fourth Fourth Bace 34 Kile KileSyearoldi Syearoldi and upward Selling 26958 Federalist 4 110 705 7052U57S 2U57S Oliver Ale 6 108 710 710267l6tJold 267l6tJold Knight 4 107 71o 71o2731U 2731U ocutch oueii 3 105 700 27157 Judge Wardell 6 104 710 2410 Anecdote 3 103 700 70027bVO 27bVO Hiugloader 4 100 720 21171 Ventoro 5 9 715 71527S90 27S90 Hard of Avon 3 93 725 27323 Maria Uoltun 3 89 705 705Fifth Fifth nace 1 Mile and 7O Yards 3yearolds and upward Allowances Allowances269572Kamara 269572Kamara 4 121 735 272752 rt aier cure 4 105 750 26822 air Kggis 4 103 69j 26883 The Driver 4 105 690 2742 May W 7 103 740 740270423LouiBvilla 270423LouiBvilla 4 103 735 4 S34Ureai American 3 95 700 27393 ijaay Chorister 3 92 725 725bixth bixth Kaoe 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Belling 26692 Bowen 3 112 695 69521409jlr 21409jlr Kiddle 4K9 725 27171 Uoebel 5 107 705 7052702uMayor 2702uMayor Qilroy 4 106 71u 27272 oalome 7 103 6W 6W240o3 240o3 timrneystone 6 105 71u 27390 Annie inompson 3 101 715 26708 Diffidence 4 98 70U 26272 Ulade Bnn 3 96 705 27410 Connie 3 88 720