Hawthorne Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1901-08-28


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HAWTHORNE FORM CHART CHARTCHICAGO CHICAGO ILL August 37 Thirtysecond day Chicago Jockey Club Midsummer Meeting Weather clear track good Prtsiding Judfta Capt James H Rees Starter J J Holt man Racing starts at 210 p m FIRST RACE1 Mile Purse 400 75 to second 25 to third 27859 3yearolds and upward Maidens Allowances Ind Horses A Wt Bt M K 5 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H 0 P 27525 ELMER L 3110 2 51 41 3 32 12 T Knight J B Respass 5 27762 VIRGA WILCOX 3 97 1 11 13 13 18 2 Short Mra R Bradley 60 20020040 20020040275512EL 275512EL FONSE S 107 6 41 21 22 21 3 J Hanch BnrneWaterhie 3 51 51 45 27691 RUBE 3 99 5n 21 31 52 41 4a Nelson J D Hooe 30 200 200 60 27619 CARLOVINGIAN 3 99 3 3 5 61 51 5 Rico H E Rowell 20 SO 60 15 26891 MAY BOY 6 104 41 61 75 7 63 62 R Sullivan A G Blakely 12 40 40 8 27554 PAY ME 3 99 81 7U 61 41 7 71 Otis J McDonald 10 11 11 2 27622 FARADAY JR 3102 7 8 8 81 8 83 R Stoele WaltringYeager 12 50 59 15 27551 OMAR 3 99 999999 Glsbern J Carroll 20 30 30 7 Winner Br c by Eeher Derochmont DerochmontWont Wont to post at 210 At post 1 minute Start good Won easily second driving Elmer L was outrun for the first threequarters bnt closed strongly in the last eighth and won going away Virginia Wilcox ran a surprisingly good race but wa Sring at the end and would have lost second place in another stride El Fonse faltered in the last eighth but was coming again when near the wire Rube showed early speed It was one of the poorest run races at the meeting meetingVirginia Virginia Wilcox show 12 to 1 El Fonsa show 2 to 5 O rj Q d f SECOND RACE 5 13 Furlongs Purse 5400 75 to second 25 to third 22 I OUU 2yoarolds Selling Ind Horses A Wt St 34 H 5 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 275552THBOSTLE 99 1 18 12 12 IH j Banch J D Smith 47595 27623 HARGIS 106 4 32 2 2K 2 J MclnernyS E Hnghes Co 3 9 9 81 276238ANTA TERESA 101 51 41 41 45 32 T Knight J Welch Co 21 21 85 35 24633 tCOMMY FOSTER 1061 21 21277933PYRHHO 2a Si 3 4 W Hughes Mrs L Griffin 60 200 200 60 277933PYRHHO 97 73 73277612HARKY 71 71 7 52 Gormley T Licalzi 4441 277612HARKY WILSON 104 82 8io gio 6 6n Otis J W Schorr 6993 27757 EMMET ORH 102 6 6s 6sARCHIE 61 61 51 78 R Sullivan Baker Gentry 20 30 30 10 ARCHIE 104 92 9 9 98 8 RBteele RntledgeStevnsSO 75 75 20 27724 MAJOR BIRD 102 3 SH 511 51 86 96 T Bntler W E Cotton 30 160 100 SO 27830FAQUITA 94 10 10 10 10 10 Arvin George J Long 100 200 200 60 60ce Apprentice allowance ce Time 121 24 50 1 02i 1 091 Winner Ch f by Halma The Crow CrowWent Went to poet at 240 At post 1 minute Start good Won driving second the same Throstle led by a safe margin up to the last sixteenth where she began to falter and just had enough left to reach the line first Hargis finished fast toward the outside while Santa Teresa finished with a rush in the center of the track It was a close finish all around Tommy Foster was right there up to the last hundred yards and bears watching Pyriho ran a dull race and can do much better The others were never contenders contendersScratched Scratched 27793Muresca 105 276232 Approved 101 101Overweights Overweights Tommy Foster 24 pounds poundsThrostle Throstle show 7 to 10 Hargis show 8 to 5 Santa Teresa show 1 to 3 Pyrrho show 1 to 2 O 17 Q C ± 1 THIRD RACE 1 Mile and 30 Yards Purse 8500 875 to second 25 to third I O O JL 3yearolda and upward Allowances Ind Horsea A Wt St 34 K X BtrFin Jockeys Owners CHOP 276562HERNANDO 3 102 1 11 111 1 1 1 J Ranch W H Laudeman 11203512 16 27833 STRANGEST 5 110 31 2 31 45 2 2 Davisson C K Bnrdeau 40 100 75 12 275272BKUTAL 3 95 2 5 42 S 46 331 Gormley A Poniatowski 12 13 13 21 2127795TEUAMON 27795TEUAMON 3 107 41 36 21 21 3 4 R Sullivan 8 C Hildreth 2 21 21 720 27727 CHAR MOORE 4 107 5 4s 5 5 5 5 Beaton T F Coles 40 75 75 12 12Time Time 25 50 1161 144 1461 1461Winner Winner B c by Hanover Retrieve RetrieveWent Went to post at 310 At post 1 minute Start good Won in a cantor second driving Hernando was much the best and the result was never in doubt Strangest ran a good game race and finished strongly Brutal was running fast in the last eighth bnt could not quite get up for second place Telamon tired badly when the pinch came Charley Moora was always outrun outrunScratched Scratched 27692Boney Boy 112 112Hernando Hernando show out Strangest show 2 to 1 Brntal show 11 to 20 Telamon show 1 to 6 O TQ C O FOURTH RACE 58 Mile Purse 5600 75 to second 25 to third 5 4 OO 2yearolda Free Handicap Ind Horses A Wt St 34 X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 278321 8AMEL80N 102 51 6 41 IB R bnllivan T J McHale 20 40 40 10 27664EL8IE L 118 1 51 6 21 Cay wood MHTichenor k Co95 3 3 65 277932JACK RATTLIN 1U6 6 3 1 H 31 Otis J D Smith 4 235235 45 45Mrs 27832 MIRACLE II 95 3 411 4H 51 41 Short Mrs R Bradley 80 60 60 12 27495 GOLDEN GLITTER 96 2 11 32 3 51 J Banch C W Moore 10 10 8 21 27621 MEMNON 112 4 21 2 2 6 JWinkfieldP Dunne 65651 25 Disqualified for foul Time 121 25 50 1 03 03Winner Winner B f by St Leonards Elsie ElsieWent Went to post at 340 At post 5 minutes Start good Won driving second the same I Bamelson came strongly in the last eighth on the outside and won on the past He kept bearing in on Jack Rattlin from the last eighth post until near the line for which he was disqualified Elaia L came with a rush on the inside rail in the last sixteenth Jack Rattlin off last made up ground rapidly and seemed to be the winner when a furlong out but was tiring badly in the closing strides Miracle H finished stoutly Golden Glitter ran wall for a half mile and than gave it up Memnon faded away rapidly in the last eighth eighthOverweights Overweights I Samelson 2 pounds poundsElsie Elsie L show 1 to 2 Jack Uattlin show 1 to 4 Miracle II show 31 to 1 Memnon show out O fTO aQ Q FIFTH HACK 34 Mile Pursa 400 75 to second 25 to third A 4 O O O 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Horses A Wt Bt X H 5 BtrFin Jockeys 274348T OUTHBERT6 101 2 U 15 15 1 1 T Knight H E Rowoll 8521 21 1 27727 KING DELLIB 4102 411 41 31 21 2n J Ranch P Dunne 6 8 8 21 27795 ADMONITION 3 105 311 2H 21 3 31 R Sullivan M H TichenorCo21 31 1351 135127657TBIADITZA 27657TBIADITZA 4 92 6 73 62 5 41 Gormley J W Schorr 5 5 31 1 1277581F 277581F YOU DARE 3 100 7 7a 6 45 42 57 j MclnernyBolich Sweet 5772 577227387BENGAL 27387BENGAL 3 89 5n 5n26724EGYPT 5 73 63 62 R Bteele J J Marklein 30 100 100 25 2526724EGYPT 26724EGYPT PRINCE 3 90 8 8UNCLE 8 8 73 71 ° Davisson C K Bnrdean SO 10050 20 UNCLE JACK 4 96 IH 35 5 ° 8 8 Rice T Shoemaker 100 200 150 40 Apprentice allowance Time 241 49 1 15 15Winner Winner Ch g by St CarloSanta Cruz CruzWent Went to post at 4 20 At post 5 minutes Start good Won easily second driving St Cnth bert was easily the best and simply ran away from his field King Dellis and Admonition had a etiff argument for second place in the last sixteenth the former ontgamlng the latter in the Triaditza could not extend bereelf to her best form in the slow going If You Dare ran a dull race and can do batter batterScratched27792 Scratched27792 Hart D 99 27835 Maggie Davis 91 277233Qnoto 94 267802Delmarch 92 92Overweights Overweights Bengal 1 pound If You Dare 4 4St St Cuthbert show 1 to 2 King Dellie show evens Admonition show 2 to 5 Triaditza show 2 to 5 O F7 Q C ± i SIXTH RACK 1 18 Miles Purse 500 575 to second 25 to third 4 I OOob 3yearolde and upward Selling V lad Horses A Wt St St 34 H X BtrFin Jockeys Ownari 277973 ODNOB 3 91 1H 12 16 1 15 14 12 Gormlay F Cook 1145 310 27797 FRNGIBLE4 104 3 3 3V 3 23 2 2 Otis A M Linnell Co 3 23523545 277972TAH CHIEF 3 95 2a 2 23 2o 3 3 3 J Banch J W Schorr 21 3 21 35 352779SZ 2779SZ PHELP8 3 891 41 41 41 4 430 430 40 Hope J J Ogles 20 28 29 5 527690KBBWEB 27690KBBWEB 3 82 5555555 Schwartz Rold Bras 60 150 150 25 Apprentice allowance Time 13 25 511 1 17 1 43 1 57 57Wimner Wimner Ch c by Pirate of Penzance Fertile FertileWant Want to post at 4 55 At post 2 minutes Start good Won easily second the same Odnor showed tha moit speed for the entire journey and won aa his rider pleased Frangible finished atrongly bnt had no chance to beat the winner Tammany Chief had enough after six furlonga had baan run Krewer was so lame when going to the post he could hardly pull hie legs after kirn He should naver have been allowed to start startOverweights Overweights Zack Phelpa 2 pomndi pomndiHo Ho ahow betting OB flrit three

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1901082801/drf1901082801_3_1
Local Identifier: drf1901082801_3_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800