Harlem Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1901-09-07

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HARLEM FORM CHART. CHICAGO, ILL., September 6. Seventeenth day. Harlem Jockey Olnb, Mid-summer MMting Weather cloudy: track fast. Presiding Judge, A. W, Hamilton, Starter, Richard Dwyer. Racing starts at 2 :15 p. m, OQ1 OA FIRST BACK-5 1-2 Furlongs. Parse 00; 5 to second; 5 to third. ZiKJ JL J 2-year-olda. Maidana. Fillies. Selling. lnd Horses A Wt St X K X BtrFin Jockeys Owners "0H 0 P 2W80S COACOA 105 10" SH 2 23 U Ransom W T Muir 11 11 8 F 2568.1 LYBBETH 1051 6a Hi 12 12 Dominick Mrs L Griffin 6 6 5 2 27S423WH1FFIT 100 5 fi 42 32 Sli T Knight J B Respass 41 41 16-58-5 2?8822BAbY HALL 110 9 -74 51 41 46 B Sullivan J C 8 Blackburn 4 6 6 2 26Uti02LUuX LOCKET 110 1" 4" 61 61 51 BaBBinger CEBrossman ll-52i 2J 1 27887 MOLL1E T. 102 71 2" 7 75 61 W BowmanB Bryant 20 80 20 8 272zl DULCIMER 103i 3a 91 9 91 7 Vickery T H Byan 10 20 12 4 27687 ALMA GIHL 102 2 11 11 11 8" Beaton Mrs R Bradley SO 100 75 20 28u3brHE EaBBIT IOO 4a 6 32 51 91 Davisson BEGansel 10 15 15 6 275it5 MARY PINE 102 81 81 10 8"10l Mewes J N McParthy 25 30 80 12 27i95ltENDEZVuU8 97 11 10 8i lOi 11 Gormley T Llcalzi 20 30 20 5 Apprentice allowance. Time, 24, 48, 1 :01, 1 :07. Winuer Oh. f, by Hermence Useful. Weut to post at 2:15. At post 1 minute, Start good. Won handily; second driving, Coacoa, off last, mov.d up fast down the last quarter and finishing with a rash was gradually going away at tn end. Lyebeih showed a lot of speed, bnt was tiring rapidly at the end and jast lasted long enough to beat ha fast cloaiug rtbiffit on the coat for Becond place. The latter mode np gronnd in the final eighth and altogether ran a good race. Baby Hall met with a hit of early interference, bat closed qd fast when she got clear sailing in the natural spread at the head of the stretch. Lucy Locket snowed more gameness than usual and was right there at the finish. The Rabbit snowed early tpeed. She runs best in soft going. Scratcuod 26570 Heree, 110. OverweightB Lalcimer, 14 pounds; Lysbeth, 31. Coacoa, show, 6 to 5. Lysbeth, show, evens. Whiffit, show, 7 to 10. Lucy Locket, show, lto2. 61 Q I 1 SECOND RACK 3-4 Mile. Purse 00 ; 75 to second ; 5 to third. SO 11 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. lnd "Horses A Wt Bt M. K X BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H CP 279382RANCO 4 103 61 42 1" Hi 1 T Knight J D McMillan andCo4 4i 4i 8-5 268u2DELiMARCH 3 1U6 42 5 41 33 21 Bassinger J Stull and Co 20 30 30 12 2798 GOAL HUNNER 5 103 132 91 9k 52 31 R cullivan T H tljan 11-524 11-51 279u2dOaA DlAH 4 i9 51 66 2h 2h 43 Dobs C B Campbell 8 9 9 3 27794 aORIlE 3 94 8 7h 81 4" 51 J Walsh P Dunne 30 30 20 8 28Usl2EjdMA C. L. 3 99 7a 8 7" 6a 63 Beaton D V Grace and Co 12 15 15 6 278aaoJUlVER MC. 5 lui li" 101 121 8a 7 Otis C R Ellison 12 12 10 4 27a23 JuEVaNNA 5 1U2 101 121 131 7h 8i Coburn F Phillips 3i 4i 4i 11-5 279983AuEi 4 lO.i Ik 31 52 91 9 Dominick H E Howell 10 18 18 8 ZtVli MY CHICKEN 4 99 91 132 ltioi Its T Meade Mrs M Hall 100 150 150 60 27 irSO PENCIL ME 3 9i 1U 1H 11 112 he Rice A M LinnellandCo 100 100 80 30 21492KL,olEKUHN 3 88 3 2" 61 1H 12 Davisson C W Cnrl 60 100 100 40 2794lLADY Umld 3 91 2" la 3132 131 Gormley AENeffandOo 10 20 15 7 26347 UaNjjEl.ABRUM4 99 14 14 14 14 14 Hamsom JC8huppandCo 200 200 0 20 Apprentice allowance. Time, 24, 48, 1 :12. Winner a. g, by nancocas Nellie Hatve. W eat to post at 1 :45. At post 3. minutes. Start good, Won easily; second handily. Ranco assumed the lead jabt before turning furnumeaLd easily maintained it to the end. Delmarch ran a surprisingly good race, finishing fast and easily proving himself the best of the others. Goal Runner waB badly bhut off at the start, bni made up much ground in the final half. Rosa Didh showed a g od turn of speed bnt quit when a furlong oat. Alee and Lady Idris ran well for a half miie only. scratched 2u31Lyror Bell, 100. OverweightB .Lauy Idris, 1 pound; Alee, 11; Rosa Diah, 1. Banco, show, 4 to a. Delmarch, snow, 5 to 1. Goal Hnnner, show, 11 to 20. p QQ 1 THIBD RACE Short Course. Purse 5400. 5 to second; 5 to third. l l 3-year-olds and upward. Handicap, Steeplechase. lnd Horses A Wt Bt 4 6 8 10 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 279682DUIY 5 126 21 16 Hi 12 2 la 1" Ellison B C Hildreth 3 3 3 3-5 28385 W. ClEARY 4 144 1 25 2 2 la 2 2 Llojd J W Colt 2i 3 2i 1-2 280622 RKFUUKE 8 131 33 4 3 3 3 3 3 Gaddy B Kaufmann 10 15 15 3 28010 DONATION 8 151 4 3 Fell. W Hughes Mrs J T Stewart 6-5 7-5 1 2-5 Time, 3:36. Winner B. m, by Hayden Edwards Logic. Weut to past at 3:10. Off at tne first break to a good start. Won ia a fierce drive. Duty and Walter uieaiy ran in close company tnroughout and fenced cleanly. The former outgamed the latter in tne list sixteenth. It was Walter dearys first race hereabout and should put him on keen edge for his next race. Donation fell heavily over the Bizth jump, breaking his left hind leg. Refugee bolted several of the obstacles, but was taken back eacn time and finally finished the course for tuird money. Donation was shot after the race. OverweiglitB Refugee, 1 pound; Duty, 1. Dat, show, oat v alter Cleary, show, out. Refugee, Bhow, evens. Donation, show out. 4Q- Q FOUHTH HACK 1 Mle and TO Yards Purse 0u; 5 to second; 5 to third JL2 O 3 year-oldB and upward. Allowances. lnd "aoraea A Wv at x X BtrFin Jockeys Owners O B O P 28066FAVON1US 5 101 3i lii li 2i 22 H Coburn BnrnEandWaterhse3-5 7-101S-201-S 280a3 dEN. bEVRIDGES 90 5a 8a 21 H la 2 Gormley W L Hazelip 8 9 9 2 280J4ULUdlEH 3 97 2a 2a 3a 35 31 3? J Walsh J B Lewman and Co5 6 6 3-2 2b033lj. BTRATHMRE 3 91 6 41 43 42 42 43 DaviBSon T P Hayes 21 31 31 7-10 28033 LECTUttKK 3 90 4a 53 51 51 56 5$ R Steele ManniOLandConnelllOO 100 100 30 27434 CONUNDRUM 3 91 la 6 6 6 6 6 W Bowman B Bryant 60 150 100 30 Time, V-H, 24, 48?6, 1:14, 1:39, 1:43. Winuer Br. h, by Kinglike Favouia. Went to post at 3:45. At post 1 minute. Start good. Won handily; second easily. Favonius under a vigorous ride nnished fast and jast got up in the closing strides, but was going away at the end. benator boverioge ran a good race, but faltered slightly in the last few strides. Cluster waB rignt there up to the lust eighth where he tired perceptibly. Lady Strathmore showed her usual early speea, but failed to stay. bcratcned -.809131 he Lady, 109. Overweiguts Favonius, 1 pound. Favonius, snow, out, senator Beveridge, show, 8 to 5. Cluster, show, 1 to 2. Lady Strathmore, show, out. fcQ I fc A Flr-TH HACK 5-8 Mile. Purse 00; 5 to second; 5 to thircf ti l 2-year-olds. Allowances. lnd Horses A Wt Bt 34 Yi X BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 279S93 JACK RATTL1N 111 4i 22 22 22 H T Knight J D Smith 5 8 8 3 28030 HOOD WINK 108 2a 311 43 3a 2 Bassinger CEBrossman. 15 20 20 8 280352MCHEBNEY 111 7 521 3a 41 3 Gormley J 8 Ward 2 13 518 54-5 2796J CORRIGAN -111 31 4a 52 52 4 J Winkfield BarnsandWaterhse 11-52 11-511-10 279I83SOUTH TRIMBLE 111 51 6a 6 66 5 R BuUivan Baker fc Gentry 5 8 8 3 27b99 EVENING oTAB 108 la H Hi H 610 Dominick J Griffiu and Co 10 16 16 5 280642 ilfiUO 105 6a 7 7 7 7 Unborn SO Hildreth 4 5 4 7-5 Time, 12, 24, 36, 48, 1:00. Winner B. c, by Spendthrift-Intacta. Went to j?oat at 4:15. At post 12 minutes. Start good. Won handily; next four driving to the limit. Jack Rattlin shotted more gameuets than usuil and finished strongly, coming away in the last eighth. Hoodwink ran a cracking good race but was tiring at the end. McUhesney came with a rnab at the end and wonld have been second in another stride. Corrigan came fast at the end hb did also South Trimbls, both makit g up much ground while coming down the stretch. Evening Btar quit wnen a furlong out. Lingo wb never a contender. Bcratched-2i999 I. oamelson, 111; 27999 Ishtar, 108; 28060 huzzah, 108. Jack Rattlin, show, evens. Hoodwink, show, 3 to 1. McChesney. show, 2 to 5. Corrigan, show, 11 to 20. Lingo, show, 7 to 10. fcjn 1 to x BlXTH UACtii-5-M Mile, furse 00; 5 to Becond; 5 to tniro. At O I 2 ? ear-olds. Allowances. lnd Horses A Wt Bt XT Vk X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 8060 TOMMY FOSTER 105 H is 12 i 12 Dominick Mrs L Griffin I 4 4 8T 7. 682PH1L KNIGHT 100 5a 22 23 25 2 T Knight Qninn Bros 10 10 9 4 28035 MARQUE 105 4a 8a 4a 51 31 R onUivan T H Stevens 3 41 41 8-5 "B816 ALTONA 108 61 10 92 71 41 J Winkfield 1 Dunne 21 2i 2 4-5 28164 PtUNLE WEBB 103 71 61 51 31 52 Otis J and H Arthur 8 SO SO 12 27630 JOE BhOWN 100 2" 51 311 42 62 Birkenruth J E Voght 30 60 50 20 2791S lNSPEuTOH SHEA103 9 8 71 6" 71 Cobnrn J N McCarthy 5 7 7 21 "8060 SIMOON 100 8 7a 82 10 8a Dovisson G W BelknapandCo 40 100 100 40 28095 HAT MITCHELL 110 8" 4" 6 91 93 Hope J J Ogles 15 15 9 4 "7033 BRAGG 108 10 3 10 8a 10 Rutter T Rowe SO 50 50 20 Time, 12, 35, 1:00. Winnsr Ch. c, by Fomo Reeesi. 1 -- Went to post at 4 :5f. At poet 12 minutes. Start fair. Won eapily; ercond the same. Tommy Foster, off with a running start, simpiy ran away from his fleld. Phil Knight ran a good race and was easily thebest of the others. Marque ran below her best form gradually falliLg away after tbe first quarter had been run. The others wero never contenders. The field was pretty well spent by many false breakaways by tbe time the word was given. Overweights Tommy Foster, 3 pounds. Tommy Foster, show, 7 to 10. Phil Knight, show, .2 to 1. Marque, show, 4 to 5. Altona, show, 2 to 5. QQi in SEVENTH RACE 1 1-2 Milev Purse 00; 5 to Becond; 5 to third. AOlfiO S-year-olds and upward. Belling. lnd Horses AWt8t8tH K X 8trFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 280662F. TOBPEDOS 86 5 6 31 211 11 11 H Davisson Ezell and Lazarus 8 5 2 2 11-20 47971 W BITFIELDS 100 4" 5" 41 44 415 3 21 T Knight 8 K Hughes and Col 11-51151-2 28038KY. BABE 4 98 6 2a 2a 32 2a 22 310 Gormley J B Lewman and Coli 21 9-5 1-2 27585 FOX BARD 4 97 Sa lac 12 la 31 48 46 Hansom F Grady and Co 20 SO SO 10 28036 SPRUNG 4 99 li Si 5 5 5 6 5 Otia W F definite SO 60 60 15 27797MONONGAH 5 94 21 4a Threw jockoy. Rice Georae Male 20 60 60 12 Apprentice allowance. Time, 25, 51, 1 :17, 1 :42, 2 :08, 2 :S5. Winner-Ch. g, by Hanover Gypey. . , , Went to post at 5:30. At post 1 minute. Btart pood. Won easily ; second the same. Flying Torpedo went into the lead soon after the first mile had been inn and remainrd here without trouble to the end. Whitfield trii d to close np on him in the final eighth, but faltered in tbe closing BtrideB. Kentucky Babe was well beaten when a sixteenth out. Fox Bbrd tho wed well for one and a qnarter miles. The winner, entered for ,000, was bid up to ,200 by W. Carroll and bongbt in. OverweightB Sprang, 2 pounds. No show betting on first three.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1901090701/drf1901090701_3_1
Local Identifier: drf1901090701_3_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800