untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1901-11-21


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161 THIRD ST., LOUISVILLE, KY. Will receive commissions by telegraph, mail or express upon all races and other sporting events, and will place them in Louisville according to directions of sender. Honest, accuracy and dispatch in all transactons. All communications confidential . . . H W R V and CO. WINNERS. GUARANTEED AT A I In Z OAKLAND DAILY I MURESCA, GALAN THUS, SOMBRERO DUCKOY, MEROPS BOTH AS ONE BET. Were our winners yesterday. Today will be an especially good one. No guessing in our camp. Tho best of reliable information and expert handicapping by wiro from onr experts at California daily. "Weekly. Wired at 10 lum. REYNOLDS and CO., j A WELL KNOWN BOOKMAKER Of high integrity not having capital enough, desires to meet party with ,000 to make a book; profits divided equally; details at personal conference. BUNCO-BRONCHO INFORMATION CO AS ADVERTISED HANDIGAPPER 20-1. My extra special easily best, wired to every part of the world. Besides the usual four or five intermission pass time place bets on sheets: Porkford, 12 1; Hot, 8-1; Pat Morrissey. Today Thursday Today Do you remember my last Saturdays adv. of a good thing Thursday and Saturday. TODAY IS THURSDAY. SPECIAL JDAILT CITY SHEETS "WITH ALI. BACES .00. SiX SpeCialS fOr SIO Or fOr One, ,Wi"dtcany part of the world. .May require two weeks in 1 f , todeliver, as only wire horses of odds, not hot favorites. w H. h. T. A Hard i at olhce m to always explain.any matter. On sale at 11:30 a.m. at office. 176 S. Clark 8t., in ticket office Phone 2149 Central. Newsstand southsast corner Clark and Madison 8ts. COL. J. C WOOTERS, MGR., 94 Lincoln Ave. - - Tel. North 1007, cental. Turf Exchange COMMISSIONS ON ALL RACES. Stations. First Second Third Train Train Train JirhulAL TDltUP IHAlRb UN nu Lv. Rand iPh st... 12 05 12-35 1-30 3CDCPIAI ILLINOIS CENTRAL RY. U SSfc.8!:: gffi iiS JI 39th St 12:15 12:45 1:40 Ketiirning: Trains at 4:40 ami 5:30 p. m. 63rd St 12:20 12:50 1:45 and after last race. Grand Crossing 12:25 12:55 1:50 BOUND TRIP, - - 5 CENTS. Kensington.... 12:30 1:00 1:55

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1901112101/drf1901112101_2_5
Local Identifier: drf1901112101_2_5
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800