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AIinSIlIOAH SFGBTXKG SIAITOAX. The American Sporting Manual of 1911 eoa tains all racing record at large, revliad sni complete up to the end of 18; four handle? ping lystema with dirsctioan for their praaties application, a table showing liov to aoeipr.t bookmaking percentage!, track record s of si! the recognized tracks of the country, ths west srs and tsstern :;-l?3 cf rreishis, table? abnr-nsr the enmnsrntiva apaad of traaka, bom1?Vj lilt ot pugiliaiio contaita of 19a of any eons auenee, trotting and pacing reeorda at nil dii tenses and a lilt of the naw 8:15 trottera of JLB56 Alao a eomplate reeord of parfomanoei at all i Was o! billiard.