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g THE SflflflTDQg PSSDCIflTIDW j : -r; Stakes to Close December 2, 1901. -,3 To Be Run For in 1903. ! To Be Run For in 1904. TheTSDinaWaV Of S 14.000. ForuflUiMfw?Eai?ld,i!oarf of 1u31,1B,yons,Qb8Ct-Vjofi 05 Thp Grpat Rpnllhlif flf Sttfl nnfl FOB NOA FOALS AND UPSVA.BD. Tha Baratoira Asso- 1 W Jn 7 , JthT0t, oal,El andel"ad by Decee1bar 1, 1902, or 5 if declarad I n8 Oieal IiepUIJlIC 01 1901.shU,UUU. ciafci0Q to gaaraat98 the gross value of ths stakes to be S50,- by May 1, 1903, or 0 if declared by July 1, 1903. StarterB to pay J150 additional. The Saratoga 000, of which the owner of the second horse shall receive ,500 and the owner of the third hora Association to guarantee the gross value of the race to be 4,000, of which the second horse shall ,500. Tne nominator of the winner to rsceive ,000 out of the Btakes. Liabilities as follows : receive 32,000 and the third horse ,000. The nominator of he winner to receive 51,000 out of FOR NOW FOAL3. By subscription of 0 each. If left in after August 1, 1932, a further ttmaJe!,,uWm?er-8 oMa0? of tnSvaln8of 55,000 to carry 3 lbs. extra; of two of 55,000, or one Bubscription of 5; if lift in afiar Januiry 1, 1933, a further subscription of 5; and if left in of ,500, 6 lbs extra. If the sire or dam has not produced a winner prior to January 1, 1902, the aft9r January 1 193! a further subcriptioa of Sl5 imy will be allowed S lbs. for either, or 5 lbs. for both, said allowance to be claimed at time of FOa NOW YEABLING3. By subscription of 0 each. If left in after March 1, 1902, a fur- entry. By filing with the Saratoga Association on or before Novembrl, 1902, an accepted trans- th8r 8abscription of 0 each; if left in after January 1, 1903, a further subscription of 50 each; far of the engagement in this stake, the nominator will be leased from further liability, and if left in after January 1, 1931, a further subscription of 50 each. Should a subscriber or transferee die before the race the entry shall not be void, provided it be F0S NOvy T WO-YSAS-OLDi AND UPWARD.-By enbscription of 00 each. If lets in assumed by the than ownr; notice In writing to that effacfc, accompanied by the p-ivment of ill after andiarch i, 190 J a further subscription of 00; if left in aftsr January 1, 1903. a further sub- forfaits, being given within three months after such demise. Five and a Half Furlongs. scripti0n of 00 each; find if lefc in after January 1, 1901, a further subscription of 00. Thp Hnnpflll nf SOR nflfl For foala of 1901. The Association to guarantee the gross valua of STARTER:? TO PAY 09 ADDITIONAL. Winners, when thraa years old or upward, of I lie nuuciui Ul p0UUUi the stakes to be 5,000, to be distributed as follows: To the win- ,000, when carrying weighs for ae, to carry 3 lbs. extra. Non-winners of ,000 in 1933 or 1904 ner 8,000, to the sucond horse ,000, and to the third horse ,000. The nominator of the win- allowed 7 lbv. Nnnrinn?ro of 12,500 in 1903 cr 1034 nllowad 10 lbs. Non-winnera of ,C00 in 1903 ner to receive ,000 out of the stakes. By subscription of 5 each, or only 0 if declared by or 1904 allowed 15 lbs. August 1, 1903. If laft in after that data a further subscription of 00, or only 0 if declared by In the case of a foal produced by a mare or a stallion not having prodncad a winner prior to January 1, 1903. Starters to pay 50 additional. Winners of two races of the valua.of ,000 date of closing, the subscription shall bo rsduced byoaa-half, provided that said reduction be Bach, or of one of ,000, to carry 3 lba. extra; of two races of ,030 each, or of one of S 10,000. 6 claimed at the titno of entry; but the starting: fea shall ba 00 additional. lbs. extra. Non-wiunars of ,000 allowed 10 lbs. Ths produce of marcs or stallions which have In the case of foals, by filing with tin association, prior to daptemberl, 1902, an accepted not produced a winner prior to January 1, 1902, to be allowed, if claimed at time of entry, 3 lbs.; transfer of the foal, with its engagement in this stake, tha original subicribsr will ba raleasjd of both, 5 lbs. Allowances not cumulative. By filing with the Saratoga Association on or from any liability as to the engagemsnt. before Augnst 1, 1902, an accepted transfsr of the foal entry, tha original subscriber will b9 Should a subscribsr or transf jroo die before the race tha antry shall not be void, provided released from any liability as to tho engagement of said entry except as to the first forfeit of 0, it be asanmed by tha thin O7?aor of thi Uorso; notica in 7ritiag to that effect, acsompanied by leaving the purchaser liable for the same unless duly struck out. Should a subscriber or the payment of all accrued liabilities, baing given within three months after such demise. Jransferao dio before the race the entry ohall not ba void, provided it ba assumed by the then If 330 entries are not rezaivai the association reserves tha right to cancel the rici. owner of the horse; notice in writing to that effect, accompanied by the payment of all accrued One Mile and a Quarter, liabilities, being given within three months after such demise. Six Furlongs. , . . , , ,. , , ., , 0 r. .. 1. i.u FOR THRFF YFfiR 11! IIS Vtl m NilW YFARI The HoPeful for ,904 Est,mated Va,Ufi mm- SS-cWKffiSK run I HULL"! LHIIULUO 111 IJUJ"I1U1I I LHI1LIUUO. forfait if struck out by August i, 1903. If loft in aftnr Au?u3t 1. 1903, a further subscription of Thp TraVPR flf Sllll flOD By subscription of 00 each, or 0 if declared by June 1, 1903. S50each; and if left in after June 1, 1904, a further subscription of 00 each, dtartars to pay S25Q I lie liaicio ui v?IU,UUUi starters to pay 50 additional. To the winner 37,000, to the second additional. The Saratoga Association to add ,000. Of the stakes the aecond horse shall ra- ,000, and to the third ,000. Winners in 1903 of two races of the value of 500 each, or of ono caivo ,500 and the third hcrei 32,000. Tha owner at the time of antry of the mare producing the of ,C00, to carry 3 lbs. extra. Non-winnera of ,090 in 1933 allowed 10 lb i. ; of ,000, 15 lbs. winner to roc?ivo ,000 nut of the ntakes. Colts, 122 lbs. ; fillias and aroldings, 119 lbs. Winners One mile and a Furlong, of a race of tha value of ,500 to carry 3 lbs. nxtra; of two rices of ,500, or of one of ,500, 5 lbs.; Thp Ifpnnpr nf fMR By subscription of 0 each, or U if declared by Juno 1,1903. Starters of four of ,500. or t no of ,509, or one of ,003, 8 lbs. extra. Horses not having won ,003 al- iiiG ncilliGr ui vju,uuui to pay 00 additional. To the winner .O03, to the second 00, and lowed 7 lbs. If a mare in this staka drop her foal before tha first of January, 1932, or if she have to ths third 00. Winners in 1903 of two races of the value of ,503 each, or of one of ,003, to a dead or more than one foal, or is barren, tha outry of such mare is void, by filing with tha carry 3 lbs. extra. Non-winners of ,000 in 1903 allowed lOlbj.; of 50, 15 lbs. Saratoga Association prior to August 1, 1903, an accepts! transfer of the produc3, with its en- CfiiSSS One Mile and a Quarter, gagsment in this stake, accompanied with all forfeits to date, the original subscriber will be re- Thp Ala ha nf "HR Rnfl For Fillies. By subscription of 0 each, or 5 if decUred by Juno leased from any liability as to the engagement of tha produce. Hhoald a subscriber or transferee tllG Hiauaiiia ui tpUjUUUi 1,1903. starters to pay 00 additional. To the winner ,000, to die before the race the entry shall not be void, provided it ba assumed by the then owner of tha the second 00, and to the third 00. Winners of ,003 in 1903 to carry 3 lbs. extra. Non-win- horse; notico in writing to that eilsct, accompanied by the payment of all accrued liabilities, ners of ,000 in 1903 allowed 5 lbs. MaideuB allowed 15 lbs. One Mile and a Sixteenth, baing given within fchreo months after such dorni33. Six Furlongs. Entries should be addressed to the Secretary, The Windsor Arcade, 46th Street and 5th Avenue, New York. W.-C. WHITNEY, President. . H K. KNAPP, Secretary. H. D. MclNTYRE, Assistant Secretary. THE - BmerlDan Sporting jnaruial For 1901 COPYRIGHTED. A Handbook of Figures Beyond Comparison. An Official Compendium of Records. Running, trotting and pacing, The pugilistic record of 1900, ; Handicapping and bookmaking tables. IOUB HANDICy XABUSa WITH KJSYS. Sumniarles Iiy Experts on tne Past Years Doings. ..cMDStHD BY F. H. BRUNELL... go eents in Paper. Dally Racing Form Publishing Co,, mntsJnSofofgo. .,.124-126 Fifth Ave,. Chicago, III.