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GOSSIP OfTHE TURF. In regard to dates for the dbw track at Jamaica and the Empire City track at Yonkers, the New York San of December 2 has this to say: "In point of patronage the Beason just closed has been the most successful in the history of the tnrf. All the local raciog associations have made plenty of money more of it than ever before. With this fact in mind, it is quite clear .that no track in particular cares to lose any dates in order to let in the now Metropolitan Jockey Club of Jamaica and the Empire City track of Yonkers in case it is sold on December 12 to certain individuals with Btrong political influences. Somebody has suggested that if there should be racing at a local track during, the month of Augnst, it would not seriously affect the meeting of the Saratoga Bacing Association, which always holds sway at the Spa daring that month. In support of this suggestion it is pointed out that there are thousands of New Yorkers, who, unable to go to Saratoga each summer, are compelled to go without racing, whereas, with a local meeting of Bomo kind, they would support it readily. The fact that the richness of the Saratoga purses would Buraly attract the more important stables and the largest owners to the springs, a local meeting, it is argued, would be a boon for the so-called poor owners. But those who appear to know what they are talking about, Bay that the Saratoga association would not relish a conflict of this kind and that its protest against it to the State Bacing Commission would probably be heeded when the time arrives to allot the dates for the various meeting nest Beason. Those who are interested in the new track at Jamaica and aleo in the par-chaBe of the Empire City course figure that Eooner or later tho time will arrive when Morris Park and probably Gravesend will be cut up into building lots. Then with those noted tracks out of the way there would be plain Bailing for the new ones. It may be said, therefore, that even should it be impossible for the two outside tracks to secure licenses or good x racing dateB, the men in control of them can consider their investments advantageous if only a waiting game is played by them. Morris Park succeeded eld Jerome Park and in the same way it would seem as if Empire City is in line to be recognized instead of the Westchester course when it is deemed expedient to cut the latter up for building purposes. The growing importance of Missouri as a breeding center of thoroughbred horses is to receive recognition from the Fair Association by the addition of a stake to nast seasons list open only to colts and fillies foaled in this state. It will be a handicap, though at what distance has not yet been determined, probably at a mile. St. Louis Qloba-Democrat.