Oakland Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1901-12-28

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OAKLAND FORM CHART. 3AKLAND, CAL December 37. Forty-eighth day. New California Jockey Club. Winter Meeting. Weather clear; track fast. Prosiding Jndge, Joseph A. Murphy, Starter, Bichard Dwyer. Racing starts at 2:10 p. m. , 29965 FIHBT RACE 5 1-3 Fnnongs. Purse 5400. 3-year-olds and upward. Cnd Horsea AWt Bt K X X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H QP 29687 UBCHIN 4 112 5 51 41 31 H Bedfern P G Lynch 5 9 9 3 !9843 MARIN EUSE 3 109 8 31 21 2h 2 Bullman J Conway 10 10 10 4 29916 GOLD FINDER 4 112 1 2 11 11 83 OConnor M Btorn S 41 41 8-5 299142RA8P 3 107 10 7 7 61 41 L Jackson J W Greene 21 16-53 1 29S11 B. F. MASON 4 112 9 8 8 7 52 T Burns W G Mathews 4 8 8 3 29949 APWRODIB 3 107 2 41 6" 8 61 Hoar J H Simpson 20 50 50 20 29839 YOUNG MRELL04 115 3 61 51 51 72 Mounce W Scharetg 8 12 12 5 29746 HERALDO 4 112 11 10 9 9 85 J Woods M Kane 10 25 20 8 29654 SENATOR MATTS 5 112 6 9 10 10 91 Winslets H L Haskell 10 40 30 12 29535 SPRY LARK 7 112 4 11 31 42 101 J Ranch M Quinn 8 15 15 6 29787 MRS. BRUNELL 3 107 7 11 11 11 11 Troxler B Schreiber 8 12 12 5 29919 DR. BOYLE 4 112 Left at the Dost. Birkenruth G W Miller 6 12 10 4 Time, 241, 491,1:011, 1:081. Winner Br. g, by Kingston Mary M. Went to post at 2:15. At post 2 minutes. Start good. Won easily; second driving. Urchin, in close quarters and much hampered to the stretch, drew to the front when clear, was going away at the end and easily bast. Marinense and Gold Finder were both tiring at the end, Rasp, off very badly, closed a big gap being compelled to come on the outside and was easily second brat. B. F. Mason made ud a lot of ground from a bad beginning. Spry Lark showed early speed. Overweights Marinense, 2 poundB. Urchin, show, 8 to 5. Marinense, show, 2 to 1. Gold Finder, show, 4 to 5. Rasp, show, 1 to 2. 20066 SECOND RACE 8-4 Mile. Purse 00. 2-year-olds. Selling. nd Horses A Wt Bt H K StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 29897 BASSENZO 115 2 1h 12 12 12 j Woods W B Jennings and Co4 9 9 4 29783 MONT. PEERESS 115 3 Sh 3 2" 21 T Burns Chinn and Forsythe 8 3 13-55-5 29897 ROSARIE 115 9 9 8 62 3 Mounce P Howley 6 8 8 3 29650 ANNIE MAX 115 8 6 61 41 4 Brodion P Sheridan 60 100 100 40 29948 KNOCKING3 115 6 52 21 3 52 Hoar C Earl and Co 5 7 7 21 29583 MINTAKA 118 7 7 7 7 63 Bullman H I Wilson 3 31 31 7-5 29840 BUDD WADE 115 4 41 51 5h 73 OConnor B Schreiber 6 8 8 3 29936 BIR CLAU8 115 5 8 9 9 8 Troxler A B Spreckels 20 SO SO 10 CLAUD ATOR 115 12 10 10 10 91 J Ranch Elmwood Farm 10 20 20 8 29760 LOS ANGELENO 118 11 11 11 11 102 Ransom EJ Baldwin Co 20 25 15 6 297S4 WANDERING BOY 115 1 23 41 8 11 Jones La Siesta Ranch 10 40 40 15 29674 HOBT. BONNER II. 115 10 12 12 12 12 Kelly P E Smith 15 SO 80 10 Timo, 241, 481,1:15. Winner Br. g, by BaBBetlaw Firenzita. Went to post at 2:44. At post 4 minutes. Start bad. Won easily; second driving. Bassenzo ran in remarkably improved form. He was in hand and appeared a certain winner throughout. Montana Peeress was well ridden and finished well. Roaarie, off poorly, closed a big gap and was easily second best. Annie Max finished fast. Knockings showed plenty of spaed, but ran out on the turns and quit badly at the end. Mintaka ran badly. Claudatorwas short and is a good looker. Bassenzo, show, 2 to 1. Montana Peeress, show, 1 to 2. Roaarie, show, 8 to 5. Mintaka. Bhow, 7 to 10. 2006 7 THIBHDACE-5 1-3 Furlongs. Purse 00. 3-year-olda and upward. nd Horses A Wt Bt H K iand BtrFin Jockeya Ownera Q H 6P 29830 CUBAN GIRL 3 107 5 23 21 H In T Hums P Uorrigan 5 6 4 fPT 29899 EL FON8E 3 107 3 61 6 41 21 Buchanan BnrnsandWaterhse6 10 10 4 29919 CHAPPIE 7 112 6 41 31 31 31 ONeil I Morehouse 20 20 15 6 29919 NOVIA 6 112 1 Si 52 51 42 L Jackson J G Brown and Co 6 8 8 3 299143PABSIFAL 3 112 7 52 4 61 51 Hoar J D Fitzgerald 6 6 5 2 297873L03T GIRL 7 113 2 7 7 7 61 Jones E G McConneU 6 10 10 4 297513PATSY DOLAN 7 112 4 12 13 2h 71 Mounce H Butts S i 4 5 29830 CAPTIVATE 3 105 9 8 8 8 82 Troxler P Hildreth 15 15 12 5 297272MALAJ8E 5 112 8 9 9 9 910 Kelly Musto and Ruiz 10 12 12 5 29787 MEADOW LARK 7 112 10 10 10 10 10 Bullman Elmwood Farm 10 20 20 8 Timo, 23i, 48, 1:01, 1:081. Winner Ch. f, by Fitz James Bethulia. Went to post at 3:12. At post 5 minutes. Start good. Won driving; second the same. Cuban. Girl was lucky and perfectly handled and showed fine speed, but was tiring at the end. El FoaBe was best, but had a rough journey and was pocketed in the stretch. He evidontly favors a sprinting distance. Chappie was badly handled and appeared to be going very easy almost throughout. Novia was closing up fast and Is improving. Parsifal ran poorly and appears to have loBt form. LoBt Girl was badly interfered with at the start. PatBy Dolan ran and quit like a quarter horse. Captivate was in a bad pocket for the first half. Scratched 299193McNamara, 112; 29843 Bard Burns, 110. Overweights Lost Girl, 1 pound. Cuban Girl, show, 4 to 5. El Fonso, show, 2 to 1. Chappie, show, 3 to 1. Patsy Dolan, show, 4 to 5. 20068 F0UHTH BJLCE 1 MUe Purse$ Alleges. Belling. lad Horses A Wt St 3d K X BtrFin JockeyB Owners O H O P " 29915JQUADRA 2 89 4 HI 12 11 21 1 W Knapp G W Snider and Co 5 Si 4T1 29866 BEDECK 3 113 6 6 6 52 71 11 OConnor J Gardner 1 1 4-5 2-5 29842 SIR LEWIS 2 92 5 42 21 32 Sh 32 J Daly M J Daly 41 7 7 2 299413LARRY WILT 2 92 2 2 4 2 52 41 L Jackton T H Stevens 6 10 10 29941 DA WBON 2 89 1 S 52 4h 4 51 Redfern W B BInk Jr 6 10 10 4 29941 FREE LANCE 7 118 3 3 3- 6 6 6 Troxler W H Ketchiman 30 30 SO 6 Dead heat; purse divided. Time, 251, 50, 1:151, 1:41. Winners Quadra, ch. f, by Preston-pans Miss Belinda. Bedeck, ch.o, by Star Ruby Badotto Went to post at 3:37. At post 1 minute. Start good. Won with all driving. Quadra made the pace, showing the most speed throughout, hung on gamely and runs like a stayer. Bedick was carried very wide on the stretch tuni or would have won. Sir Lewie ran undtr a stiff null for six furlongs, but quit when called on. Probably mud ia hit forte. Larry Wilt found the company too fast and was unablo to etay. Dawson also was outclassed. Free Lanco ran wall for a half. Scratched 29804 Triaditza, 115; 29739 Nellie Forest, 110; 2993S Dandy. 92. Quadra, show, 1 to 2, Bedeck, show, out. Bir Lewis, show, 4 to 5. 259969 FIFTK BACE 3-4 Mile. Purse S400. 3-year.olds and upward. Belling. lod Horsos AWtSt 34 V, 5 StrFin Jockeys "Owners O H O P 29902 DDCKOY 4 95 3 7 4i 3 1 U Jackson G B Morris 4 8 8 3 298I52PRCE38TITANIAS 90 5 3i 2i 2i 23 Kedfern C Young 8-5 9-5 8-5 3-5 29782 HI LEE 5 104 1 li 12 r. 36 Troxler "W W Elliott 4 5i 51 7-5 29882 THE MILLER 5 95 2 2 3a 4 46 J Ranch G McNeil 8 12 12 4 299173 KITTIE KELLY 4 101 7 44 62 5 Bi ONeil WLStanfleld, 6 6 41 8-0 298322FITZKANEI 3 102 6 61 51 63 61 Hoar W M Bogars 2 41 41 8-5 29864 BEN LEDI 5 95 4 5h 7 7 7 Winslett G W Scott 8 30 30 8 Time, 12,24,48, 1:121. Wmner B. g, by Brutus Decoy Duck. Went to post at 4:02. At post 4 minutes. Start good. Won driving; second eisily. Dackoy, cleverly waited with, came through next to the ril with a fine burst of spaad. He was lame and sore in his preliminary and is in rare form for heavy goinar. Princess Titania ran to har bast form and finished strongly. Hilee appeared to be the winner to the stretch, bat quit badly. The Miller showed a fine turn of speed, bat was outclassed. Kittie Kelly ran pDorly. Fitztcanet is probably being pointed for a long race and lacked hie usual early arised. Ran Ledi ran poorly. Scratched 28925 Sly, 113; 29S2133chool for Scandal, 105; 29330 Gusto, 104; 29353 Bedwald, 104; 29901 Impromptu, 99. Dackoy, show, evans. Princess Titania. show, 1 to 3. Hilee, show, 4 to 5. 29970 8IX8eUinACB 1 MllB Yard8 ParB8S00. 4-year-olds and upward. ind Horeea A Wt St U K ?j BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 29937 MISSION 4 114 2 U 7 41 21 U Bullman J Wilson 2 212 E$ 29918 EINSTEIN 6 114 1 61 5a 7 31 2a Mounce L Levy 6 9 8 3 29452 KASTAINE 5 114 5 7 61 11 11 35 OConnor D F Cox 3 41 41 8-5 29763 BURDOCK 4 117 3 3 41 51 41 41 Badfern J 8 Campbell 7 8 8 3 298S5 JOHN WELCH 4 114 6 21 21 61 51 53 T Burns W H Lynch and Co 3 31 16-51 29362 DUKE OF YORK 6 114 7 41 Si 3 62 310 ONeil I Morehouse 10 15 15 5 29571 HOWARD 10 114 .4 51 12 2a 7 7 Spencer fl E Dolan 8 10 10 4 Time, 231, 511, 1 :16i, 1 :42i, 1 :45i. m. Winner Ch. c, by Albart Annie Layne. Went to post at 4:25. At po3t 2 minutes. Start good. Won handily; second driving. Mission was cleverly rated, drew to the front in the last farloug and was bast. Einstein finished stBohgly after losing grouud on a wide stretch turn. Kastaine ran a spaady and game race. Bardoctc prefers cuppy going. John Welch quit badly and is evidently of very ordinary calibar. Dake of York is a jumper and favors a heavy track. Howard is only a sprinter and has outlived his usefulneES. Mission, show, 2 to 5. Einstein, show, 7 to 5. KaBtaine, show, 4 to 5. John Weleh, show, 1 to 2.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1901122801/drf1901122801_1_4
Local Identifier: drf1901122801_1_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800