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HE WASHINGTON PARK CLUB CLUBSUMMER SUMMER MEETING OF 1 902 BEGINNING SATURDAY JUNE 21 ENDING SATURDAY JULY I9 takes to Close Wednesday January 15 19O2 FOR 3YEAROLDS 3YEAROLDSIt It HB AHB AniBllbdll Inwinan Udl Jlorhn Uf sweepstakes 20000 ADDED for 3yearolds A 13 to accompany the nomination 225 additional to art 20000 added of which 3000 to the second id 2000 to the third horse A winner of a 3year d stakes of the value of 3000 to carry 3 Ibs of two ich stakes or one of 5000 5 Ibs of three or more yearold stakes of the value of 3000 each 7 Ibs xtra Maidens allowed 7 Ibs To be run on the Lrst day of the meeting One Mile and a Half HalfVa Va flB 9horirian CnBllOJn OldKbb flakes ooo ADDED ASWCOP stakes for syearolds 10 6 accompany the iiofnination 75 additional to tart 4000 added of which 1000 to the second id 500 to the third horse A winner of a 3year d stakes of the value of 1500 to carry 3 Ibs of vo such stakes or one of 4000 5 Ibs of three or ore 3yearold stakes of the value of 1500 selling akesexcepted or ofone of the value of 7000 7 s extra Maidens allowed 7 Ibs One Mile and Quarterii Quarter HI AHI ii FnolPwnnrKiakPC aianes 2000 ADDED A tngiewouu sweopstakes for nines ninesiree iree years old 10 to accompany the nomination 0 additional to start 2000 added of which 400 the second and 200 to the third horse A winner a 3yearold stakes of the value of 1500 tocarry Ibs of two such stakes 5 Ibs of three or more ich stakes or of one of the value of 5000 7 Ibs xlra Maidens allowed 7 Ibs One Mile Mileho ho UG UIBWI RrfiVBl OldRCi ttfakpc 2000 ADDED A sweep stakes for 3yearolds 10 to Iccompany the nomination 50 additional to start 2000 added of which 400 to the second and 200 to he third horse A winner of a 3yearolds stakes of le value of 5000 or of three or more such stakes I the value of 1500 each to carry 5 Ibs extra mwinners of two 3yearold races of the value of 500 each allowed 3 IDS of one such race 5 Ibs I one of 1000 8 Ibs of one of 500 12 Ibs Maid red 17 Ibs One Mile FOR 3YEAROLDS AND UPWARD UPWARDThp Thp IIIB Uiriurav 9hkpc 2000 ADDED A seii dltfnea MlUWdjf inff SWeepstakes for 3year olds and upward 10 to acconipany the nomina tion 25 additional for naming to start 2000 added of which 400 to the second and 200 to third horse Weights 5 Ibs above the scale The winner to be sold at auction Those entered to be sold for 5000 to carry full weights if for 4000 allowed 5 Ibs then 3 Ibs for each 500 to 3000 then 1 Ib for each 100 to 2000 Winners of a stake this year after the closing of entries and prior to Juno 8 when carrying weight for age or more not to be entered for less than 4000 after June 8 5000 Starters with selling prices to be named through the entry box at the usual time of closing the day prior to the1 race More than two can be named by the same owner but only two in the same interest can start but the starting fee must be paid for all named One Mile uiid a Furluug Thp I1IB AUUUfl Auburn OiaiUJb Makes 2000 ADDED A seii inc Bwcepstakes for 3year olds and upward 10 to accompany the nomination 25 additional for naming to start 2000 added of which 100 to the second and 200 to the third horse Tho winner to be sold at auction Those entered to be sold for 4000 to carry weight for age for 3000 allowed 5 Ibs then 2 Ibs for eacli 500 to 2000 then 1 Ib for each 100 to 1000 Winners of a stakes this year after the closing of entries and prior to June 8 when carrying weight for ago or more not to be entered for less than 3000 after June 8 4000 Starters with selling prices to be named through the entry box at the usual hour of closing the day prior to the race More than two can be named by the same owner but only two in the same interest can start but the starting fee must be paid for all named One Mile and Half a Furlong FurlongThp Thp IIIC flakwnnH UdKWUUa Hanriiran 2 oo ADDTCD A ndllUIUdp sweepstakes for 3year olds and upward 10 to accompany tne nomination 50 additional to start 2500 added of which 400 to the second and 200 to the third horse Weights to bo announced three days before the race A win ¬ ner of any race after the weights are posted to carry 5 Ibs extra One Mile and a Furlong ¬ The Great Western Handicap 3yearolds and upward 10 to accompany the nom ¬ ination 50 additional to start 3000 added of which 750 to the second and 250 to the third horse Weights to be announced three days before the race A winner of any race after the weights are posted to carry 5 Ibs extra One Mile and a Half HalfThp Thp IIIB Ynimtr Hanrlirsn f ooo ADDED For3 luung iidnuioap year0ids and upward 10 10to to accompany the nomination 75 additional to start 5000 added of which 750 to the second and 250 to the third horse Weights to be announced three days before the race A winner of any race after the weights are posted to carry 5 Ibs extra One Mile One aud UueHalf Furlongs FurlongsThp Thp I 1C Whpplpr WIIBBW Hanrlinan ninUICdO 5 o ADDED A sweepstakes for 3year olds and upward 10 to accompany the nomina ¬ tion 125 additional to start 7500 added of which 1000 to the second and 500 to the third horse Weights to be announced three days before the race A winner of any race after the weights are posted to carry 5 Ibs extra t ne JMile and a Quarter QuarterFOR FOR 2YEAROLDS 2YEAROLDSThp Thp I IIB LdMblUe I akpcirip Oldntft 9takp 2000 ADDED A sweepstakes for fillies two years old 10 to accompany the nomination 50 additional to start 2000 added of which 400 to the second and 200 to the third horse A winner of a stakes of the value of 1000 to carry 3 Ibs of two such stakes 5 Ibs of three or more such stakes 7 Ibs extra Maidens allowed 5 Ibs Five Furlongs Furlongsfhp fhp MIG MillWUUU Kpnwnnrl OldRtJi Stakps 2000 ADI ED Asweep stakes for coits two years old 10 to accompany the nomination 50 addi ¬ tional to start 2000 added of which 400 to the second and 200 to the third horse A winner of a stakes of the value of 1000 to carry 3 Ibs of two such stakes 5 Ibs of three or more such stakes 7 Ibs extra Maidens allowed 5 Ibs Five Furlongs FurlongsThp Thp IIIB Uavwnnrl MdyWUUQ aidKBb ttkp 3000 ADDED Asweep stakes for 2year lds 10 to accompany the noniination 50 additional to start 2000 added of which tOO to the second and 200 to the third horse A winner of a stakes of the value of 1000 to carry 3 Ibs of two such stak s 5 Ibs of three or more such stakes 7 Ibs extra Maidens allowed 5 Ibs Five Furlimgs FurlimgsThp Thp I IIB rUgeWdlBI rflppwatpr OldBtJb Stakpi 2000 ADDED A swecpstakqs for2year olds 10 to accompany the nomination 50 tiddi tional to start 2000 added of which f400 to the second and 200 to the third horse A winner of a stakes of the value of 1000 to carry 3 Ibs of two such stakes or of the Lakeside Kenwood or May wood Stakes 5 Ibs of three or more such stakes 7 Ibs extra Maidens allowed 5 Ibs Five and a Hulf Furlongs FurlongsThp Thp me flniokdpn yiiicxsiep aiaKes takpc 2000 ADDED A sweepstakes for 2year oldsv 2yearoldsv 10 to accompany the nomination 50 addi ¬ tional to start 2000 added of vhich 400 to second and 200 to the third horse A winner of a stakes to carry 3 Ibs of two stakes 5 Ibs of three or mor stakes 7 Ibs extra Maidens allowed 7 Ibs Four FurlongsTUP Furlongs TUP inenyUe Hvrlp rdlK Park MdReS takpQ sooo ADDED A sweepstakes for 2yoar olds 10 to accompany the nomination 100 addi ¬ tional to start 5000 added of which 1000 to the second and 500 to the third horse A winner of a stakes of the value of 1000 to carry 3 Ibs of tw such stakes 5 Ibs of three or more such stakes or of the Edgewater Stakes 8 Ibs extra Maidens allowed 5 Ibs Six Furlongs The Lake View Handicap yearolds 10 to accompany the nomination 50 additional to start 2000 added of which 400 to the second and 200 to the third horso Weights to bo announced two days before the race Six Fur lungs