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TENNESSEE DERBY AND OAKS OAKSMEMPHIS MEMPHIS TENN January 10 The complete list of remainining eligibles for the Tennessee Derby and Oaks to be run during the Montgomery Park meeting commencing March 31 were today an ¬ nounced by Secretary M N Macfarlan of the New Memphis Jockey Club ClubAmong Among the Tennessee Derby eligibles are Abe Frank Ed Austin Herodiade Uncle George Red Hook Crescent City Evea G Breton Buccleuth Ravensbury Dawfyld Badger Dr Lovejoy Cri ¬ mean Runnels Lou Woods HarryNew Duke of Connaught I Samelson Lydmar Brissac Minor Bronaugh Nuggett Red and Green H L Coleman Charles W Meyer Major Tenny Larry Young Wyeth Dave Sommers Waswift Salesman Bur ¬ nett Wallace The Tennessee Oaks eligibles are Autumn Leaves Flora Pomona Lucy Jones Our Jessie Swiftlight LanaDuela Matin Bell Marion Litty Evea G Myrtle Dell Josie F Miss Gaines Claris Ice Water Evening Star Sunny Port Flo Russell Lileon Marie Tryon Balance All H Irresistible Iscoma Pats Pet Wainamoinen Talpa The Es ¬ mond UwantaT Gallantrie Emma Traunmiller Sallie Green Widow ilcGoogan Miss Edd Marque