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SPRING MEETING SUMMER MEETING HflBLEm JOCKEY CLUB JUNE 7 TO JUNE 20 BEGINS AUGUST 4 CHICAGO FOR SPRING DAYS OF RAGING ENTRIES Stakes AND MEETINGS SUMMER 1902 FOR OVER A TOTAL OF CLOSE ENTRIESCLOSE CLOSEMONDAY MONDAY Feby 10 full Values in Cash Purses for Horses of Class with 500 to 1000 Added AddedEvents Events for Jumpers Over a Perfect Course Stakes for Fall Meeting Announced in July The 30th Century Stakes Handicap 5000 scale Those entered to be sold for 3500 to carry 156 to third horse The winner to be sold at auc The Youngster Stakes 1500 Added Esti ¬ Added Estimated Value 7500 For 3year weight for age 3 Ibs allowed for each 500 to 2000 tion Horses entered to bo sold for 3000 to carry mated Value 3000 For 2yearolds foals of olds and upward Entrance 15 each 100 addi additional then 1 Ib for each 100 to 800 A winner in 1902 of scale weight 2 Ibs allowed forcach 250 to 2000 1900 Entrance 10 each 50 additional to start tional to start 5000 added of which 700 to sec ¬ a race of the value of 1200 to be entered for not less then 1 Ib for each 1GO to 1000 then 2 Ibs for each 1500 added of which 300 to second and 150 to ond and 300 to third horse Weights to be an ¬ than 1500 Starters with selling prices must be 100 to 700 A winner after March 31 of a race of third horse A winner of stakes of the value of nounced three days before the day appointed for named through entry box at the usual hour of clos the value of 1000 to be for not less than 1200 to carry 3 Ibs of two such stakes or of one the race A winner of other than a selling purse ing the day preceding the race and those so named 1200 Starters Tvith selling Centered prices must be named of the value of 2000 5 Ibs of three or more stakes race after the announcement of weights to carry 5 will be liable for starting fee One and onesix through entry box at the usual hour of closing the of the value of 1000 each or of one of the value of Ibs extra Oneand three sixteenths miles milesThe teenth miles day preceding the race and those so named willbe willbeThe 4000 8 Ibs extra Nonwinners of a race of the The Harlem Stakes Handicap 350O The Garden City Stakes Handicap 2OOO liable for starting fee One mile mileAdded value of 900 that have not won five races allowed Added Estimated Value 5750 F9r 3year Added Estimated Value JGOO For 3year Thc rctite Stakes 150O Added Esti 2 Ibs three races 5 Ibs two races 8 Ibs j maid ¬ olds and upward Entrance 15 75 additional to olds and upyard Entrance 10 each oO addi nated Value 3000 For 2yearold fillies foals ens 13 Ibs maidens beaten four or more times 18 start 3500 added of which 500 to second and tional to start 2000 added of which 400 to sec onooo Entrance 10 each 50 additional to start Ibs Five furlongs 250 to third horse Weights to be announced ond and 200 to third horse Weights t9 be an isC0 added of which 300 to second and 150 to three days before the day appointed for the race nounced three days before the day appointed for thrd horsc A wjnner of a stakes of the value of Estimated Value Valueof A winner of other than a selling purse race after the race A winner of other tjian a selling purse 1 OQO to carry 3 Ibs of two such stakes or of one of to 5 Ibs extra after the announcement of weights to 5 of 1900 Entrance 10 each 50 additional to start the announcement weights carry race carry of tho value of 7 5 jbs of tllree or mote staies 1500 added of which 300 to second and 1501to One and oneeighth miles milesThe Ibs extra bix furlongs of tuo vaiuo of j QCQ cach 8 Ibs extra Nonwin NonwinThe third horse Horses entered to be sold for 3000 to The Chicago Stakes 2OOO Added Esti The 31 lewis Clark Stakes 3000 Added ners of a race of the value of 600 that have not carry scale weight 2 Ibs allowed for each 250 to xnuted Value 3500 For 3yearK lds and up ¬ Estimated Value 330O For 3yearolds foals won three races allowed 3 Ibs two races 5 Ibs 2000 then 1 Ib for each 100 to 800 A winner of ward Entrance 10 each 50 additional to start of 1899 Entrance 10 each 65 additional to start maidens 10 Ibs maidens that have run in a stakes a race of the Value of 1400 to be entered for not 2000 added of which 100 to second and 200 to 2000 added of which 400 to second and 200 to and not been placedin suchl3 Ibs Four and one less than 1600 Starters with selling prices must third horse A winner after March 1 1902 of a third horse Weights 5 Ibs below the scale A halfifurloncs halfifurloncswinner be named through entry box at the usual hour of stakes of the value of 3000 or of three stakes of winner of a 3yearold stakes of the value of 2000 The Grailuate Stakes 1500 Added Esti closing the day preceding the race and those so the value of 1000 each to carry 5 Ibs extra selling after March li to carry 3 Ibs of two such stakes or mlted Value 3000 For 2yearold colts and named will be liable for starting fee Five and one stakes not considered Nonwinners after March of one of 4uOO after March 15 a Ibs of three or Reidings foals of 19CO Entrance 10 each 50 ad half furlongs furlongsThe 1 1902 of a race of the value of 1500 allowed 5 Ibs more 3yearolds stakes of the value of 2000 each ditional to start 1500 added of which 300 to scc of 800 8 Ibs of 500 12 Ibs of 400 15 Ibs One sellmg races excepted afterMarch lu 8 Ibs extra ond and 150 to third horse A wjnner Of a stakes The Junior Stakes Handicap 1500 Add ¬ mile mileThe ed Estimated Value 3000 For 2yearolds The Austin Stakes Selling 15OO Added foals of 1900 Entrance 10 each 50 additional Estimated Value 3OOO For 3yearolds and up ¬ to start 1500 added of which 300 to second and ward Entrance 10 each 50 additional to start 150 to third horse Weights to be announced three 1500 added of which 300 to second and 150 to third The Riverside Stakes Selling 1500 Add 600 that have not won three races allowed 3 Ibs days before the day appoii appoiiner horse The winner unless otherwise stipulated ed Estimated Value 3000 For 3yearolds two races 5 Ibs maidens 10 Ibs maidens that ner of other than a selling puisu rui = UHKI wo an ¬ when named to start to be sold at auction Horses foals of 1899 Entrance 10 each 50 additional have run in a stakes and not been placed in such nouncement of weights to carry 5 Ibs extra Six entered not to bo sold to carry 5 Ibs above the to start 1500 added of which SOO to second and 13 Ibs Five furlongo furlongs Entrance fees must accompany nominations Entry blanks may be had upon application to the Secretary or to the office of Daily Racing Form FormAddress Address nominations and all communications to M NATHANSON Secy Merohants Loan and Trust Bldg Chicago