Gossip Of The Turf., Daily Racing Form, 1902-01-30


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GOSSIP OF THE TUKF When Mr August Belmont gave 25000 for the little weanling by St Simon Lady Reel last autumn many held up their hands and declared it a runt predicting all kinds of moneythrown away results As a matter of fact Mr Belmonts judgment has been strongly endorsed by a steady and satisfactory development of the little filly and she now gives every promise of turning out well The remarks upontthe yearling sales in England of the Special Commissioner are well worth noting along the line of prices paid in this connection Of those sold in England last year little can be said as they may or may not be worth the amounts paid for them Of those sold in 1900 however lessons can be learnt as the prices were heavier than in any previous year No yearlings had ever been sold for anything like 10000 guineas the figure at which Sceptre was knocked down to Mr R Sievier No one can be of the opinion that she was dear either as she won her first engagement the Wood cote Stakes and gave good proof that she must win a great deal in the future In the purchase of Duke of Westminster for 5600 Mr Sievier made about the best deal of all times as the colt got back a goodlyljKareof his pnichase money iutw6f aces and was afterward sold for 21000 sovereigns Of others sold that have paid or are certain to pay their way there is the colt by Gallimile Tragedy purchased by Mr FojhalllKeene for 2500 guineas and the winner of the only race he has appeared in the Hook Plate at Sandown of 1371 sovereigns but there is all the promise of his making a real good horse Pekin sold to Mr G Prentice for 2100 sovereigns and a winner this year of two races out of six Ice Maiden sold for 1900 sovereigns and is a winner of one race namely a nursery of 460 sovereigns St Benet sold for 1250 sovereigns started twice and won once the race being worth 750 sovereigns Lady Macdonald sold for 1000 sovereigns started eight times won twice amount ¬ ing to 390 sovereigns Of the thirtyone others sold for 1000 sovereigns or upward ten have not yet started and twentyone have run without success Spirit of the Times Harryl Cochran who signed to ride for W C Whitney at a salary of 15000 this year made a record among jockeys last season that will last for many a day He rode in 1247 races nearly 400 more than his nearest rival Cochran was placed 527 times a marvelous percentage and another record In order to achieve this result Cochran Lad to be almost continuously in the saddle He never missed a days racing from New Orleans races to Saratoga At the latter place the first brcakcame through an accident He was thrown out of the saddle by one of John McCaffertys horses in a mix up on the first turn and escaped death by a narrow margin This laid him up for a week weekDuring During the past month the great strain on the boys constitution and nervous force began to tell on him Ho failed to show the ability he had pre ¬ viously demonstrated and lost race after race that he should have won Just when his nervous system was all at sixes and sevens his parents decided to take him away from the track and give him a rest He will go out to Indian territory to hunt and fish for two months and then return to the east for the racing season seasonCochrans Cochrans father manages him He recently stated that he had broken Harrys contract with Mr Whitney because there was a clause in it which allowed Mr Whitney to send the boy to England to race if he chose Mr Cochran of course has the boys interest at heart but he has made many mis ¬ takes in his management In the first place he kept him riding races too long and the lad staled and lost his form Now again ho was too particu ¬ lar When Clarence Mackay wished to sign Harry at a big salary Mr Cochran stipulated that ho was not to gallop horses in the morning nor to sleep at the stable Mr Mackay thought those conditions were1 ridiculous and broke off all negotiations New OrleansTicayune With the meeting a little more than half over the Crescent City Jockey Club has distributed among the owners up to and including Saturday January 25 the sum of 11973650 This amount has been scattered among 168 stables and 99 of them have won 250 or more A Simons heads the list with 5656 then follow James Arthur Co 5654 and G CBennett Co 5492 Sixteen different stables have won 2000 or over while twentyone have won over a 1000 Coburn still leads the jockeys with fortysix firsts to his credit but last week made little gains having only ridden two winners during the six days His work was much below his aver ¬ age Lyne had a good week and continues to im ¬ prove his score Among the steeplechase riders Bartley and Penn are tied for first honors each hav ¬ ing ridden three winners two seconds and one third thirdBellario Bellario and Beau Gallant the fouryearolds which Richard Croker has had wintering at the Melbourne stud of W S Barnes Lexington Ky will be shipped east in a few days to David Gideon who will manage the pair during the spring and Bummer Inthefallifc js thought thatEcauGal lantwillbe shipped to England and raced there Both have wintered well at Beau Gallants birth ¬ place and are in the best of condition conditionJohn John Huggins the trainer for Mr Whitneys English stable of race horses received a cablegram last Tuesday from his assistant trainer at Newmar ¬ ket which conveyed the unwelcome news that the Derby colt Nasturtium was suffering from a chill and was under veterinary treatment Experts said tonight that the chill would not necessarily be a serious thing unless followed by other alarming symptoms Word comes from Memphis Tenn that Joe Ull man the wellknown bookmaker has announced that he would make a winter book on the American Derby Dan Stuart Leo Mayer and Charley Dugan will be associated with Ullman and a 500000 bank roll will be back of the combination which will offer the usual payorplay book on the big Chicago race to be run June 22 Prices and quotations will be made public next week and the firms head ¬ quarters will be at Hot Springs J W Russwurm secretary of the Tennessee Breeders Association it is rumored will not act as secretary of the Worth track as has been announced for the reason that Sam Wagner wanted him to begin work at once and he could not leave Cumberland Park at this time There is also no truth in the New Orleans report that he will act as clerk of the scales at the Memphis spring meeting

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1902013001/drf1902013001_1_3
Local Identifier: drf1902013001_1_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800