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SPRING MEETING SUMMER MEETING HBBLBjn JOCKEY CLUB JUNE 7 TO JUNE 20 BEGINS AUGUST 4 CHICAGO FOR SPRING DAYS OF RACING ENTRIES Stakes AND MEETINGS SUMMER 1902 FOR OVER A TOTAL OF CLOSE ENTRIESCLOSE CLOSEMONDAY MONDAY Feby 10 Full Values in Cash Purses for Horses of Class with 500 to 1000 Added AddedEvents Events for Jumpers Over a Perfect Course Stakes for Fall Meeting Announced in July The 2Otli Century Stakes Handicap 5OOO scale Those entered to be sold for 3500 to carry 150 to third horse The winner to be sold at auc The Youngster Stakes 150O Added Esti Estiweight Added Estimated Value 750O For 3year weight for age 3 Ibs allowed for each 500 to 2COO tion Horses entered to be sold for 3000 to carry mated Value 3000 For 2yearolds foals of ofthen olds and upward Entrance 15 each 100 addi ¬ then 1 Ib for each 100 to 800 A winner in 1902 of scale weight 2 Ibs allowed for each 250 to 2000 1900 Entrance 10 each 50 additional to start starta tional to start 5000 added of which 700 to sec ¬ a race of the value of 1200 to be entered for not less then 1 Ib for each 100 to 1000 then 2 Ibs for each 1500 added of which 300 to second and 150 to tothan ond and 300 to third horse Weights to bo an than 1500 Starters with selling prices must be 100 to 700 A winner after March 31 of a race of third horse A winner of stakes of the value of ofnamed nonnced three days before the day appointed for named through entry box at the usual hour of clos the value of 1000 to be entered for not less than 1200 to carry 3 Ibs of two such stakes or of one oneing the race A winner of other than a selling purse ing the day preceding the race and those so named 1200 Starters with selling prices must be named of the value of 2000 5 Ibs of three or more stakes stakeswill iace after the announcement of weights to carry 5 will be liable for starting fee One and onesix through entry box at the usual hour of closing the of the value of 1000 each or of one of the value of ofteentlx Ibo extra One and three sixteenths miles milesThe teentlx miles day preceding the race and those so named will be 4000 8 Ibs extra Nonwinners of a race of the theTIi The Harlem Stakes Handicap 3500 TIi Garden City Stakes Handicap 2OOO liable for starting fee One mile value of 900 that have not won five races allowed allowedAdaed Added Estimated Value 57 5O For 3year Adaed Estimated Value 3600 For 3year Tlie petite Stakes 1 500 Added Esti s three races 5 Ibs two races 8 Ibs maid olds and upward Entrance 15 75 additional to olds and upward Entrance 10 each 50 addi JSSn Value 1 Soo F 2 JearoYd miles foals J Zi g beaten f ° Ur ° r m ° r6 18 tart 3500 added of which 500 to second and tional to start 2 000 added of which 400 to sec Ofi9oo Entrance 10 each 50 additional to start VDS 1Te mrlones mrlonesond 250 to third horse Weights to be announced ond and 200 to third horse Weights to be an 1500 added of which 300 to second and 150 to Tlie Proviso Stakes fSellin 1 5OO added three days before the day appointed for the race nounced addednounced three days before the day appointed for ft horse A winner of a stakes of the value of AV hw aooo rZvl n A winner of other than a selling purse race after the race A winner of other than a selling purse 01 nm to mrrv Ihs of two nri Ktakp 6taKes 5ornf or ° ° nnp ne J m i Jl rr vl Ioal Vli LtS i 9 f of9CO Entrance 10 each 50 additional to start the announcement of weights to carry 5 Ibs extra race startrace PP aitentne iftprHiP announcement nnnnnnr pmPTit or nf wPiWitR weignts to to rnrrv carrjo T i V re of the value of 1700 5 Ibs of three or more stakes ci rm nHnVH nf ivTiifh sm tn cpnnnrl inH Siwto One and oneeighth miles milesThe Ibs SiwtoIbs extra Six furlongs of the value of 1000 eacn 8 Ibs extra Nonwin S hor = e Horee = mtSpd to be sold for 000 to The Chicago Stakes 3000 Added Esti The M Lewis Clark Stakes 3000 Added ners of a race of the value of 600 that have not carrv scnle weicht 2 Ibf allowed for each SOto mated Value 3500 For 3yearolds and up Estimated SOtoEstimated Value 3300 For 3yearolds foals won three races allowed 3 Ibs two races 5 Ibs 000 then 1 Ib for each10C to 8CO A winner of ofof ward Entrance 10 each 50 additional to start of 1899 Entrance 10 each 65 additional to start maidens 10 Ibs maidens that have run in a stakes rTrnnp nf thp vnlnp of ri 4fin to Vi pniprprl fnmnf 2000 added of which 400 to second and 200 to 2000 added of wMch 400 to second and 00 to and I not been placed in such 13 Ibs Four and one fe flX StartersT Uh selling prices must third horse A winner after March 1 1902 of a third mustthird horse Weights 5 Ibs below the scale A half furloncs e named through entry box at the usual hour of ofwinner takes of the value of 3000 or of three stakes of winner of a 3yearold stakes of the value of 2000 Tlie Graduate Stakes 1500 Added Esti closing the day preceding the race and those so soaf tfie value of 1000 each to carry 5 Ibs extra selling af ter March lo to carry 3 Ibs of two such stakes or mated Value 3000 For 2yearold colts and named will be liable for starting fee Five and one oneof stakes not considered Nonwinners after March of one of 4oOO after March 15 o Ibs of three or geldings foals of 1900 Entrance 10 each 50 ad half furlongs lj 1902 of a race of the value of 1500 allowed 5 Ibs more 3yearolds stakes of the value of 2000 each ditiOnal to start 1500 added of which 300 to sec secselling of 800 8 Ibs of 500 12 Ibs of 400 15 Ibs One selling races excepted after March 15 8 Ibs extra ond and 150 to third horse A winner of a stakes The Junior Stakes Handicap 1500 Add imile imileThe VS5 VS5lniler AddVS5 2yearoldsof lniler t tS0 S0 iear UaceSf ° thevaJu of the value of 1000 to carry 3 Ibs of two such ed Estimated Value 3000 For 2yearolds The Austin Stakes Selling 1500 Added of additionalIbs 600 each in 1902 allowed 3lbs ofona such 5 Etakes or of one of the value of 1700 5 Ibs of foals of 1900 Entrance 10 each 50 additional Estimated Value 3OOO For 3yearolds and up ¬ Ibs andMaidens of any race of the value of 400 in 1902 8 Ibs three or more stakes of the value of 1000 each to start 1500 added of which 300 to second and ward Entrance 10 each 50 additional to start Maidens allowed 12 Ibs One and oneeighth miles gjbs extra Nonwinners of a race of the value of 150 to third horse Weights to be announced three threeThe 1500 added of which 300 to second and 150 to third The Riverside Stakes Selling 150O Add 600 that have not won three races allowed 3 Ibs days before the day appointed for the race A win ¬ ihorse The winner unless otherwise stipulated ed Estimated Value 3000 For 3yearolds two races 5 Ibs maidens 10 Ibs maidens that nerof other than a selling purse race after the an when named to start to be sold at auction Horses foals of 1899 Entrance 10 each 50 additional have run in a stakes and not been placed in such nouncement of weights to carry 5 Ibs extra Sis entered not to be sold to carry 5 Ibs above the to start 1500 added of which 300 to second and 13 Ibs Five fnrlongo furlongs Entrance fees must accompany nominations Entry blanks may be had upon application to the Secretary or to the office of Daily Racing Form FormAddress Address nominations and all communications to M NATHANSON Secy 815 Merchants Loan and Trust Bldg Chicago