Charleston Entries., Daily Racing Form, 1902-02-08


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CHARLESTON ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track fast fastFirst First Race 34 Mile 4yearolds and upward Selling Ind Horses Age Wt Hdcp 30582 Brahmin 6 110 685 685303922Millstream 303922Millstream 7 108 700 30549 Capitolia 6 105 660 30583 Juniper 4 104 660 30562 Canrobert 5 103 660 305282 Nellie Fonso 5 100 680 30528 Delia Ceo 4 100 670 30562 Toad Rainey 4 100 690 690305793Custodian 305793Custodian 4 98 695 30547 Lauras First 4 98 675 675Second Second Race 58 Mile 3yearolds Selling Selling305463Laracor 305463Laracor 105 690 690305662Clifton 305662Clifton Boy 104 680 680305462Deadly 305462Deadly Night Shade 102 695 695305633Jim 305633Jim Scanlan 101 685 30444 Latch String 97 700 700Third Third Race 34 Mile 4yearolds and upward Allowances 30566 Certain 5 104 685 30565 Zanone 9 103 690 3056528am Lazarus Esq 6 100 695 6953054S3Tom 3054S3Tom Curl 4 95 670 30548 Potasi 4 95 680 30498 Lelia Barr 4 90 675 67530548jSamivel 30548jSamivel 7 90 700 700Fourth Fourth Race 1 116 Miles MilesOver Over 5 hurdles 4yearolds and upward Handicap Handicap30496King 30496King Galong 8 138 700 30496 Haco 8 136 690 30528 Barney F 5 129 675 304963 Negoncie 8 127 695 30582 Vince 4 126 685 685304962ABride 304962ABride 4 125 670 670Fifth Fifth Race 1 Mile 4yearolds and upward Selling 30377 Handctfff 6 Ill 675 675304982By 304982By George 6 108 690 690305133Prince 305133Prince Esher 5 106 695 69530531Presgrave 30531Presgrave 4 105 670 67030547Jim 30547Jim Winn 4 103 675 67530382Sir 30382Sir Kenneth 6 103 660 30547 Dominis 7 103 685 30548 Incandescent 6 101 685 685305153Lake 305153Lake Fonso 6 101 700 30514 Julietta B 4 98 680

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Local Identifier: drf1902020801_2_12
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