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HYDE PARK AND LAKESIDE Below are presented the entries to two of Wash ¬ ington Parks stakes for twoyear olds Tho Hyde Park is the richest of western twoyearold stakes and is for both sexes The Lakeside is for fillies only In both cases a number of tho young ones are yet to be named something that must be done before March 1 1THE THE HYDE PARK STAKES A Sweepstakes for twoyearolds 10 to accompany the nomination 100 additional to start 5000 added of which 1000 to the second and 500 to the third horse A winner of a stakes of the value of 1000 to carry 3 Ibs of two such stakes 5 Ibs of three or more such stakes or ofjthe Edgewater stakes 8 Ibs extra Maidens allowed 5 Ibs Ill nominations Six fur ¬ longs longsTristan Tristan Bunch filly Hermence Useful colt TYadsworth LouDudley Julien Susie Kirwin colt coltcolt colt Dick Welles Americano Henry McDaniels McDanielsNieto Nieto Handspring Expect a aEsforzado Esforzado tion colt coltOnondaga Onondaga Miss Thomas La Amanda Amandacolt colt Modern Quicksilver Requital Delphine colt Leon D E Fonso Flyaway colt Leal Spotts Deceiver KatherineBas Addie Tunstall set filly Florist Day Dream gold goldHindoo Hindoo Meriden filly ing ingCayuga Cayuga Sister Monica Pardee Sunlight colt colt Wagner Violotto filly fillyBensonhurst Bensonhurst Falsetto Voltario colt coltKickshaw Kickshaw Golden Garter Santa SantaAllie Allie Violet Rita colt coltMallory Mallory T dl dlr dlPr2 r Pr2 ° colfc colfcOlonetz Olonetz Shooting Star StarMarciau Marciau Dan McKenna McKennaSt St Florian Bonnie Bird Glendon Glendonfilly filly Pageant PageantDemohland Demohland Zealotry ZealotryHighcharmer Highcharmer Albemarle AlbemarleHalcyoudale Halcyoudale Our Bessie BessieLady Lady Matchless Lady Nutter NutterStella Stella Campbell Ben Strome Chahco colt coltHermence Hermence Lady Haydon Flying Dutchman Pre Precolt colt text colt coltRiley Riley Hattie Harris colt Flying DutchmanLady Riley Miss Murphy colt of tho Lake filly White Knight Remorse Jack Orr colt St Saviour Pantomime PantomimeOrnamentMy OrnamentMy Gypsy filly colt Pirate of Penzance Sena Linden Kit Cat colt colt Novelist NovelistMillett Millett S 80 JAf C Ci Cf ° f Wadsworth M d i i k St Dory o e s a aOrly Orly II co Savable Wadsworth Clara J colt coltPoor Poor Boy Pontiac Alexina colt coltBanter Banter The Sailor Prince Vestal VestalEarlv Earlv colt coltSardian Sardian EshorReflection filly Han Esher Justitia colt coltEsher Esher Lullaby colt Flying Dutchman Fal FalKinglike Kinglike Scarf Dance aise colt coltcolt colt Prince of Endurance EnduranceSir Sir Dixon Arcadia colt Esher Carmencita colt coltBelvidere Belvidere Peninah colt Russell Baugeline colt coltKinglike Kinglike Fenella colt Top Gallant Florence W Julien Old Miss colt colt coltOrnament Ornament Louise colt Pretty Charley CharleyVon Von Kouso Gold Bell BellBenvolio Benvolio Mindora MindoraTithonus Tithonus Trade Wind Lucy Crawford Crawfordcolt colt Lady Churchill InspectorB GreatLawn Rey del Hey Runaway Runawaycolt colt cot cotComputation Computation MirthfulBermudaDanco MirthfulBermudaDancoLazzaroneDorothy LazzaroneDorothy HI colt coltcolt colt Royal Pirate PirateHeauital Heauital Thrifty colt The Commoner Raining Ligjit Brigade Dow colt coltDnndas Dnndas J ° hn GnHne GnHneKim Kim Sidney C Love LoveTroubadour Troubadour Necktie Authority Authoritycolt colt THE LAKESIDE STAKES A sweepstakes for twoyearold fillies 10 to accompany the nomina ¬ tion 50 additional to start 2000 added of which 400 to the second and 200 to the third horse A winner of a stakes of the value of 1000 to carry 3 Ibs of two such stakes 5 Ibs of three or more such stakes 7 Ibs extra Maidens allowed 5 Ibs 94 nominations Five furlongs Tristan Bunch filly Animula Riley Ever filly Wagner Violette filly fillyDungarven Dungarven Xallapa filly DeceiverHattio Vaughan Estrellada filly fillyEstraza Estraza Belle Callum CallumMudlavia Mudlavia Budget of Fun FunMary Mary Lou Queen Elizabeth ElizabethDeceivorKatherino DeceivorKatherino Bas Zealotry Zealotryset set filly Our Bessie BessieSiddartha Siddartha Loetitia filly Flying Dutchman Lady Kings fillyGoodes Counsel Rhett of the Lake filly Goodes Sister filly Dungarven Coffee Pot Hindi filly fillyAurie Aurie B Navasota NavasotaAbscondress Abscondress Gallantry Pearl Barnes BarnesPenance Penance fillyPluck filly Pluck Ornament LucyCrockett LucyCrockettFalsetto Falsetto Lineage filly filly fillySt St Florian Bonnie Bird Ben Strome Stappella Stappellafilly filly filly fillyGallantry Gallantry Bounding Co Esher Sonora filly fillycil cil filly Magnetizer Bamboo filly fillyHighcharmer Highcharmer Russell Eva Rodgers filly fillyFlash Flash of Lightning Esher Reflection filly fillyStella Stella Campbell Lady Churchill ChurchillBonnie Bonnie Joe Artistic filly Geheimness Hermence Sweet Gene Victory Strap filly fillyvieve vieve filly Courage CourageSpendthrift Spendthrift Option filly Bermuda Gladiola filly Ducat Idol filly The Commoner Bright BrightDucat Ducat La Pomona filly light filly Boundless Cora Belle The Commoner Miss filly Leaflet filly Mary Glenn Fabula Macduff Albertha filly Ditto Susie Hall Dodona DodonaArgentile Argentile Canzonetta CanzonettaMasetto Masetto Venice filly Floral Wreath Loyalist Penitentll filly Candlemas Noll Swift His HignessBest Wishes filly fillyfilly filly Bermuda Nannie D filly fillyMusical Musical Slipper1 Sparkle Esher EsherOur Our Cora Pride of Galore GaloreLamplighter Lamplighter Eugenie LamplighterAnna D filly fillyfilly filly Pirate of Penzance Belle BellePirate Pirate of Penzance Jon Swift filly fillynio nio V filly Requital Druidess filly fillyDeceiver Deceiver Ada M II filly Bonnie True Aunt Lida Deceiver Judith filly filly fillyPirate Pirate of PenzanceJulia Filley Deck DeckW W filly FlyingDutchman Hanna HannaPearl Pearl Mendal Boll filly fillyRequital Requital Fashionable Candlemas Alice Brand Brandfilly filly filly fillyLa La Amanda Onondaga Catherine C CMary Mary Lavana filly fillyMiss Miss Eon Lazzarouo Rose of Lee LeeSt St Blaisc Recluse filly filly Azra or Sabine Alveritas Oer Land and Sea Seafilly filly Flash of Injury InjurySabine Sabine Julia Mageo filly