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AMERICAN DERBY BETTING Although his prices on the American Derby Brooklyn and Suburban handicaps have only been out live days James OLeary reports having re ¬ ceived five times the commissions that he did last year during the same length of time Some of the bets he has received up to date are as follows AMERICAN DERBY DERBYAbe Abe Frank 1000 to 100 from Chicago ChicagoAllanaDale AllanaDale GCOO to 300 from Lexington Ky KyAladdin Aladdin 3000 to 100 from Memphis Tenn TennCompute Compute 4500 to 150 from Baltimore BaltimoreDr Dr Burns 30000 to 100 and 6000 to 100 to show from Chicago ChicagoEndurance Endurance by Right 7500 to 500 from Chicago ChicagoHomestead Homestead 5000 to 200 from St Louis LouisLord Lord Quex 10000 to 200 from New Orleans OrleansMcChesney McChesney 10000 to 1000 from Chicago ChicagoNellie Nellie Waddell 10000 to 100 from Alderman Thomas Carey Chicago ChicagoOom Oom Paul 9000 to 300 from New York YorkHargis Hargis 12500 to 250 from Chicago ChicagoThe The Giver 6250 to 125 from Kansas City CityBROOKLYN BROOKLYN HANDICAP HANDICAPBanastar Banastar 1800 to 100 from Philadelphia Blues 5600 to 700 from New York Hernando 7500 to 500 from Cincinnati Autolight 6000 to 200 from Chicago Endurance by Right 10000 to 500 from Pitts burg Royal Flush 7500 to 100 from Chicago CONTINUED ON FOURTH PAGE AMERICAN DERllf BETTING Continued from First Page fPentepost 8000 to 300 from Louisville Tlyiug Torpedo 15000 to 200 from Chicago SLBLEBAN HANDICAP iWaterfColor 1000 to 500 from Pittsburg McMeekin 7500 to 250 from Chicago Argreor 12000 to 200 from Chicago ChicagoJTeno JTeno 7500 to500 from New York YorkArden Arden 20000 to 200 from Brooklyn Keynote 12000 to 300 from New York