untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1902-02-16


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Attention Attention THE STRONGEST HANDICAP FORCE IN THE WORLD Mr George Calvin Hew Yorks Most Successful Handicapper and his Associate Mr W J JBrown Brown an expert on weights that horses carry and will not carry and different differentconditions conditions of track they will and will net run on onCol Col J C Wootors and H J Alardt on EXTRA LONG SHOT SPECIALS Alardt now at New Orleans Wm Brown assistant manager and secretary E H Beleske advertising agent agentATTENTION ATTENTION ATTENTIONI I have now the above force in action and I guarantee onethird of ALL STARTERS GIVEN TO WIN or redeem Price daily handicap sheets 100 EXTRA LONG SHOT SPECIA USONE IIORSE200 or six horse specials six days 1000 wired to any part of tho world Daily purchasers o regular handi ¬ cap sheets receive full benefit of all specials free of extra charge chargeMONDAY MONDAY ONE MONDAY ONE Odds 6 to 15 to 1 THURSDAY ONE odds 10 to 50 to 1 SATURDAY TWO for tho one 200 money On sale at 1130 am at office 192 b Clark St in ticket office Phone Main 3548 News stand southeast corner Clark and Madison Stp StpCOL COL J C WOOTERS MGR BUNCOBRONCHO INFORMATION CO 94 Lincoln Avo Tel 3031 Dearborn

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1902021601/drf1902021601_2_2
Local Identifier: drf1902021601_2_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800