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MY RACING FORM ISBUED 3VSBY DAY. WESTERN JOCKEY CLUB BULLETIN OT7IOIA.Ii OBGAN OT THE WESTERN JOCKEY CLUB, Mntsred in tha Eoit Office at Chicago as second t alasa rnattar, A Daily Btflsotion of the American Tnrf by Telegraph. DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. COPYRIGHTED Intired according to Act of Congress, in the year 1902, by Frank H. Brunell, in the office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington, D. C U. 8. A. "he ehart and index numbers and track form of vAily Raging Form must not be used. Thoy use copyrighted daily and will be keenly protested. Editob and Pbopbietoe, F. H. Brunei. l. AB800IA.TB Editob Clinton C. Rilet, Seobetaby, Mbs. F. H. BbuneiiL, 1X4-126 FIFTH AVE., CHICAGO, ILLINOIS SINGLE COPY 5 CENTS. TERMS: Per Month ? Half Year.... 7.50 One Yoar 1.C0 ?he above rates aro for single copies as sealod 3ottsrs first-class mail. Dallr Racing Form Publishing Co. prefers to send Jingle copies as first-class mail in all cases. Local subscriptions outside the down town district will be declined at other than first-class viail matter rates. Sol 30BIPTION3 Must be Paid in Advance. eV considered and answered all queries to Daily aoinq Fobm must be sent over tho full name iud with tho address of the writer. Those names ad addresses are subject to a local and foreign itractory test. Dbtboit Office 139 Geiswold Steeet. FttANK E. MoDOHAliD, Aoent. On sale at 9 :00 a.m.