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Reynolds and Co. 119 DEARBORN ST. TODAY TODAY our previously advertised good thing at Bennings will be cut loose. The odds will be from 8 to 20 to 1. This is the best chance in the world to gather winter money. TERMS DAILY; ANY SIX DAYS. Delivered to any city address before 12 oclock. Wired at 10 a.m. For sale at news stands south-east and northwest corners Clark and Madison Sts. Race Track Information Bureau STJTTE 500, 363-209 DEARBORN ST. PHONE HARRISON 3689. TERMS .00 PER DAY. OUT OF TOWN ORDERS WIRED AT 9 A.M. Sad Sam, 3 to 1, Won, Plunge for the Limit, was onr advice to our army of followers. Sad Sam was our guaranteed winner. Tuesday at Bennings 5 to 1 2 to I Shot. .t Ingleside 3 to 7 to I Shot. Both are in great form, will have good riders up and barring accidents should win. 5 GUARANTEED SPECIALS . There are many people who desire to play but one or two good things daily. For their benefit we have inaugurated a series of GUARANTEED SPECIALS. Subscribers to this series receive only STAR GOOD THINGS. The terms for this series areas follows: For .00 we will send you our SPECIALS until five of them have won Scratched, second or third horses wont count only horses that actually finish first will be charged. As soon as we have sent you five winning specials your subscription expires. For further information write or call at this office. Form Letter sold at news stands Madison and Clark sts. ; Grand.Pacific and Sherman Hotels ; cigar stand, 185 Dearborn st. OTtOl TTrTSJ TURF EXCHANGE JlvIii 1 U1N now open. SPECIAL TRAINS ON I. C; R. R. TrainB leave Randolph St. at 12:00, 12;35, 1:15 and 1:35 p.m., stopping at the following stations: Van Buren, 12th, 22nd, 39th, 63rd Sts., Grand Grossing and ICensington, Returning at 4:45, 5:35, 6:10 p.m. ana after last race. Saturdays only.