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DELMAK PARK ENTRIES. Probabilities: Weather clear ; track good. Apprentice allowanco. £i Bans well in mud. First Race— 4 1-2 Furlongs. 2-year-olds. Allowances. Ind. Horses, color, sex and podigrce. Wt. Hdcp. Dale, b. c, by Pirate of Pen- zan ce— Mar i e t 110 402642Ingolthrift 110 ....715 390592Port Warden 110 ....720 395GS Dusty Miller 110 ....700 402163Fenian 110 ....725 Ad Smith, ch. c, by Verge dOr —Ruth Cleveland 110 40042 Buck Wynne 110 ... .705 39918 Lamont 110 ....700 40262 Glenesher ,...110 -....715 Potter 110 40091 Bustler 107 ....705 39748 Tom Rowe 107 ....710 Second Race— 3-4 Mllo. 3-year-oldo. Selling. Ind. Hors«s. Ago. Wt. Hdcp. 401142Lady Chariot ....106 ....715 402G7 Blue Grass Girl 106 ....700 40189 Mint Leaf +..103 ...,70a 40238 Maghoni +..100 ....710 39944 Lou Beach 98 ....720 39724 Dolly Gray 98 ....700 39S00Kittie Cut a Dash 95 ....715 40144-Mistie +.. 95 ....705 C402S7Dollv Hayman :.. 95 ....710 39870 Emma Meyer 95 ....695 402S7*Impetuous +.. 93 ....715 3SS703*Cressida 90 ....725 39211*Lelia May 90 ....700 Third Race— 5 1-3 Furlongs. 2-yaar-olds. Allowances. 39487 Major Pelham 115 ....715 3SS43Orient 112 ....720 40101 Council 108 ....710 4021GForehand 10S ....725 40216 Jehane 105 ....715 372713Bride 105 ....705 3978S Leech 103 ....700 40264 Wigwam ....103 ....700 Fourth Race— 1 MiJe and 70 "Sards. S-year-olds and upward. Allowannns. 39994 Taby Tosa +.. 4.. 107 ....715 402G52Maud Gonne +.. 5.. 105 725 40191 Bas dOr +.. 3.. 100 ....720 tiftli Race— 7-8 fine 3-year-olds and npward. Selling. Jimalong 4.. Ill 3G5282Nabocklish +.. 5.. 109 ....700 402G5*Miss Mae Day 6.. 107 ....725 40214 Jake ; 3 . .105 ... .700 40116 Orleans +.. 5.. 104 ....715 401913*Bengal . +.. 5.. 101 ....720 355792*Miss Golightly +.. 5.. 99 ....710 401S9*Duela 4.. 97 ....705 3S99G*Doeskin +.. 4.. 97 ....715 38516*Quicksilver Sue 4.. 97 ....700 Sixth Bace-1 1-16 Alius. 3-yaar-olds and npward. Selling. 40293*The Messenger +.. G..104 ....715 40267 Virgie dOr 5.. 103 ....705 399573*Pyrrho +.. 4.. 101 ....710 40214 *Pirateer +.. 3.. 98 ....705 401892*Montana Peeress* 4.. 96 ....715 40214 Sardian 3.. 93 ....700 40266 Orpheum +.. 3.. 88 ....725 40215 Murmur +.. 3.. 87 ....720