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DIS Onl Only pti vivi vivid in jn ,, .,, :,, , the tlH. there Ul,.r „ ,.4. aad nn.1 would „,,„ I --.le able able. A - out ollt t twn 1 hin] him w,, were I oo 22 s e tR11 tances h« iHK in II has uas 1 , a , V tio, ear cards an ■ Ke, * ado :11 ■ tll;| t.iat Hit the pr Jj The that 1i "" for .1 »* not .,, J" ■■ " not c not . do " 1 the " Z a| as of •* far ,„ " ; a 884 ,r ,;m " ,.„ « ,lst J. 1"" „ it it I I F * tor J last **1 s »8 .■.I i stakes s,.s . jj IBM: •a: i:»ot. •07. i -, rS Mi ,J - U 75 iT I .4 ., O --, ■- ■: -., , ,~ :" H an DISTANCES OF RACES RUN IN 1906. of A H. 139 Over One to toJ J. One at Four Miles-Only aad Mile and a Quarter. spring rh in in P. oM fellows with a 1 of thaae Should von tell one m were recollection of the .lays when races were ran 1 r l:,e,..l heats of four miles that there was only one race :,s . il in W»~ and thai a .lash to, America foar miles in moacy. Oakland, and furlher thai 1 Thornton Slakes at Bfc Btack were out of 7,687 races run at major and nin.oi meetings oulv IM at distances longer than one mile . ] Coleur and that they were all dashes, you 1 a aaarter to _ J lie more than apt to hear some things about 1 -degradation of the sport" that would not be print- ■ four liar Barry time you could Ret a hot argument AlK ut the same speed, holds to the opinion that our of the fellow who stover are annually raced to death by telling 1 two-vear-olds not that l.tiOS races for two-year-olds ..xdusively V which . run. and that this was I fraction more than " sen. per seat of all the races of the year. which Whether, in conditioning ra -es at the shorter dis and for the younger horses, we are progress or retrogading is the question about which much h been said and writien, and one which is largely lv matter of BLUOlTlT opinion. However, it is a no |s tic-able fact that whenever there is a race on the ie ape anvwhere at two miles or over there is a more re aad and general outpouring of the publF and there is much eh thfa this Bhaat it. All at which would seem to indicat . ! ! i»;t 167 the long distance ra -es are still po,ular with th Am public. The secretaries say that they do not ,t Da program more long distance races fur the reason on ata they are not able to get the horsemen to enter. BT. is is horsemen say that they do not train their horses es gg loug dtataaee racing for the reason that it is is ret rear profitable: that there is not enough of it to to hj k jestifv them in getting horses ready and keeping ng oal out secretaries .1., do them M Fhe horsemen say that the proMde longer races localise the bookmakers L1 not regard them as "good betting races." It lKHikmakers really do hold this notion it would aid . araaar that it is a false one, for any race made ■p up 1 . horses trained to the minute and of equal or or .la day equal caliU-r is a "g.xxl betting race." la. taw the inlction at the outset to to th, tlie Bat siice it was preaeal a table of the number of races run at the the dc the the by by various dtataaCC last. year, we will pass up Here they are: . « i comment and give the tigures. 40 Three-eighths of a mile j. Three and one-half furlongs *£« 2S3 One-half mile r,,„ lour and one half furlongs - ~ Tmrrs fJUmneandovVrfiVe-eigh Su Seven-eighths of a mile and over three-quartet s 7W T9D al 1;,i one mile and over seven-eighths •■••• j-; w ■Ji mile.. l.-H and over one • line mile ami one-quarter and over one mile and one mile and one-half 79 one-quarter • ■■ 4 mile and one halt « « Two miles aud over one ll Taw miles and one-half and over two miles. . . 1- *?; Three miles and over two miles and one-halt.. a Stakes at Oakland * 1 I Four miles Thornton rtr.c. gteepleehaaea aud hurdle races __ *" Total • M" .dW Of these races MB were for two year-olds exclu-72 ..hi- exclusively and 4!» 1 for "r sively, MS tor three year-olds tour year old-s exclusively. . 1 -.