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DAILY RACING FORM ISSUED EVKRY DAY. DAILY RACING FGfiM PUBLISHING CO. 124 FIFTH AVENTJE, CHICAGO, ILL. Publishers of THE AMERICAN TURF ASSOCIATION CALENDAR OflV!al organ of THH. AMERICAN TFItF ASSOCIATION. A Dally Reflection of the American Turf by Telegraph. Editor anil Proprietor. F. H. RrnneU. Associate Editor. Clinton C. Riley. Secretary, Mrs. F. H. Rrunell. Bmtered in the Tost Office at Chicago •■ second class matter. SINGLE COPIES B CENTS. TERMS. P*r Month .50 naif Year 0.00 One Year 17.00 The above rates are for single copies as sealed letters — first-class mall. Daily Racing Porn Publishing Co. prefers to send Bingle copies aa first-elass mail in nil cases. Local subscript ions — outside the down-town dis trict — will bo declined at other than first-class mall matter rates. Subscriptions mnst be paid in advance. To he considered and answered, all queries to Daily Ra la* Form must be sent over the full name and with, address of writer. Tlie names and addresses „re suhject to a local and foreign directory test. ST. LOUIS. MO.. OFFICE. 10 NORTH RROADWAY. M. T. Mnrpliv. Oenernl Agent. Local and Long Distance Olive 1188. Rack numbers and monthlies supplied. CINCINNATI. O.. OFFICE. 7 BAST SEVENTH ST. W. 8. Mnnns. General Agent. Telephone Canal 1327-Y. Back numbers and monthlies supplied. BFFFALo. If. Y.: R. J. Seidenberg, Ellieott Square. BrTTE. MONT.: Keefe Pr s., Post Office News-stand. CLEVELAND, OHIO: N. Baxter. 883 Pond Street. DAYTON, OHIO: 41 ■ mi.:. Hotel News-stand. DF.WFTt. COT.O. : Keadrlek Book Co., 006-012 Seventeenth Street. DETROIT. MICH.: L. Grosscup. 72 W. Congress Strewt, Tel. Main, BBS. Ci pies delivered within mile circle. HOT SPRINGS, ARK.: F. C. Boring, 418 Central Avenne. H. C. V.i vivit and Co., opp. Arlington Hotel. W. K. Wilson. Great Northern Hotel News-stand. INDIANAPOLIS. TND.: L. Deadlier. 11 North Illinois Street. 1. Brown. IS South Illinois Street. •T. 1. Steinberg, Terminal Station. K 1NSAS CITY. MO.: BIckaecker Cigar and News Company, Ninth and Wabrat Btreeta. LOFISVILLK. KV.: Okas. T. Bearing, 350 Fourth Arenoe. IIFMPHIS. TINN.: R. M. Manaf »rd A Co. P. II. Clarke ft Pro. Hotel News-stand. MILWAUKEE, Wis. Frank Mnlkern, Third and Grand Avenue. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN.: M. -T Karanagh, B0 South Third Street. Mnp.ll.T-;. ALA.: Job*; Neff. r, Booth Royal Street. ■JASaviLLR, TENN.: r«nncan Hotel. Zibart Bros., 218 North Cherry Street. NEW ORLEANS, LA.: O. E. TI ill. 10s st. Charles Street. Thos. McCormick. 110 Baronne Street. C. E. gtauh. Exchange Place. • CanalC St. Charles Hotel News-stand. HEW YORK CITY: Aster Ilniise. 225 Baoadway. PORTLAND. ORE.: * Oregon News Company. SAN FBANCI8CO, CAL.: F ster ft Orear. Market Street Ferry News-stand. Frank Scott, so Ellis Street. SEATTLE. W.vsn.: Wilson KcVey Co.. 104 Occidental Avenue. CHICAGO. ILLINOIS. JANUARY 23, 1007.