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NASHVILLES PROPOSED MEETING. The 1 tad :. breeders and turfmen re ■ spring meeting at Casaberland Park without : nhllc I* ting i- t 1 be commended, it *■ " "" of the gen; 1 -n con cerned will ict evaporati and that the announced 1 I»urp we will adhen d I . The experiment will 00 with Inch Interest by admirers of racing the countrj m 11 It cornea off. Perhaps the nnnooncement from Nashville may excite emulation at Memphis. If it does all western owners should nelp "■ loyally by running their horses as freely :"11 :ls often as thej would nave lone under the , conditions beret, rore existing. In addition it would not be amiss fa the undisturbed racing organhta-Hoos of the east and the west to abstract from their abundant profits sums sufficient in the aggre-5-,1 , en dabs to, at least, maintain the -;■ rt without financial loss, if ever was s time when concerted action on ihe part of those ritally interested In racing is nrgently In 4esn md, it hi right now. when so many hostile elements threaten the existence of the most fascinating of om :i air dlvet Por over a bandied years Tennessee has lieen the home of racing. Unfortunately the racing and breeding Interests bare been eonined to Memphis and Nashville and the vicinity of those . ities. In the state there was little in the way of pecuniary or j interest Bo when hostile leg! la on was brought forward the representatives ft - other than those concerned wndlij banded together and rode roagh shod over the minoritj ting the only sections finan cially interested in the matter. The south is ascetic ■nd given to Mm Ian legislation to ■ degree little ■nderstood In the north. Odd as j; may s, ess at tie pis; suggee Ion, it is ,„,i at all Impossible thai Kentucky may follow the Tennessee example. The blue grass coantrj i~ ardently devoted to the thor- onghbred and Its representatives can be expected I to nffbl sttacks on racing and breeding hstereats to the last gasp. Bui il is only S small section Sf Kentucky sfter all and if the members from the rural counties should combine as they did In Ten- iic .see. thej would eonstitate aa overwhelming ssa- Jortty, one amply aide and quite likely to legislate in behalf oi the "nssrals" ot Loaisville, Lexington and Latoala. » This is 11. i lary coi dltion. It is one at ! lively existence snd it Is high time that the friends , oi racing examine Its elements and probabilities ••""I ■•■ ■ !■- antidote. The wealthy J eastern lining orgaaisationi rsnnot afford to t have the breeding states of the middle unest wiped frnsa the racing map and, as tar as may be srse- 1i. able. I 1, -I:.. ni.l . 1 ,1 their shell of aloofness und assisl in h lugiug aboal ■ mure fa table e sidl I Ion of racing affairs. n lu ii.e meantime Daily Racing Form hopes the J gentlemen of Nashville Interested "ill go on with g tbeir worthy purpose and that local pride will in- i I dace the dtiaena of Nashville to rally to their ;ir support heartily, betting or no helling.