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VOLADAY WINS OAKLAND FEATURE. Cahill "Cripple" Scores a Decisive Victory in the Rich Family Club Handicap. Oakland. Cal.. February 111.— Voliday today con-nraaed his Palace Hotel Handicap form by a decisive vi.-tory iti the Family Club Handicap, running the one mile and a iptarter in 2:0V. It araa Wonder-fully fast time for the damp condition of the track. Experts generally supported Ike winner. HUdretfaa pair. Logistina and Kapid Water. Were lavoiilcs. d spite the disquieting rumors regarding the condl lion of the LocohatCbee mare. LogistlllaS soreness was so pronounced in be* morning exerclae that her owner had practically decided to withdraw her. but an experimental preliminary one hour before the race proved BO satisfactory thai she was so lit to tic oust and. with Walter Miller in the saddle, the pub lie backed the entry to the exclusion of everything else in the race. Bapkl Water Battered his backers t,„ a mile, bat the male w.i- i -vf dangerous. Voladay simply indulged the Bapallo horse for hall n.c journey, then went to the front end, stalling ■■ W. II. Careys challenge in the atretch, wen as ins rider phased. W. H. Careys showing was high • hiss and iiis adherents claimed that be sh uhl have won. it is generall] conceded thai Knapp rode the Carman borae injudlcloualy In making up mound to., rapidly during the middle runuiog. Dr. Lcggo, which finished a belated but that going third, ran 1 a remarkable race. TOdaya card waa one of the heal of the meeting. There were two attractive side liuius to the big Stake. The Ittnst Stakes for t w o ear olds, at a half mile, which was won by II. T. Criliins Abbey, and the chimin,; special at six furlongs, for three rear-olda, won by Ocean Shore. Walter Miller failed i score a single rietory out or six attempts. Favorites agaia fared badly. Notwithstanding the in. •lenient weather, fully 15,000 s[ie, tutors wcic ".lo, key J. Hunter was lined |M0 by starter Dwyer . for mbujebavlor at the post in the Bral raee. c B. liiuiiell rialmed Van Ness from S. c. , Hildreth In the fli-i race for ,325. The latter retaliated by claiming Lafjra t. M. al the aa figure.