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RESERVATION TAKES THE FEATURE. 7on Tromp Is Deficient When Called Upon — Good Card and Fine Weather. Laa Angeles, OaL, February 10. Beetetary Boden presented a gOOd card today and this, with a plea* an; afternoon, brought cut a bag crowd. Most inter-est was centered in the fourth race, in which nine ot the beat horses bete started, von Tromp. probably from lite feci thai Badtke had the mount, was made the favorite and was generously supported. Badtke skilfully placed him for the first s; fin longs, but he tailed to respond when called on fur the final effort. Reservation was the winner. Be finished with one of his sensational rushes, nipping out Wrenne, on which Orilene was lapped. It. F. Carman returned today with the horses lie tortk to Frisco. Trainer Blute returned with him. .1. S. McDonald of Boston, and Mattle Corbett, Hit heie today on their way nasi Via San Francisco and Denver.