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KING EDWARDS THOROUGHBRED STUD London Sportinq Lifes Special Commissioner Tells of His Visit to Sandrinqham. Concluded from Issue of Februarj SO. There arc seven fplendld paddocks In connection •witli the Bandringhatn stud, and. if 1 remember rightly, liicy all slope towards the south. Protection is afforded by means of plantations, all of which have, I believe, been grown since t ho stud was cstab lisheil. The ground is wonderfully dry. but it never f.-cts hard. The paddocks at Wolfertoa, though on a much lower level practically sea level — have just the suae i irties at 1 so, as Walker says. "You never si e foals with Mg joints here." Roaming throagh the Sandringham paddocks, I saw all the Kings broodmares except two -Leila, who nas in her box tending her eolt foal by Orme. to which I alluded on Saturday, and Sjp.v Glass, who had that day leii for Prance io jsit Flying Fox, Here is a complete lis, of the broodmares: Loch Doon :1s::-., D] Breadknife— The Boon, by Beauclere; in foal to Persimmon. Courtly 1881, bj Hampton— Little Lady, by Itosierucian: In foal to Persimmon. White Lilac 1896, by Springfield— Eglentyne, by llerinit : in foal to Persimmon. Nonsuch 1894, by Nunthorpe— La Morlaye, bj Doncaster ; in fo 1. to St. Simon. Amphora 11893. by Amphion— Sierra, by Spring-In.!. I : in toal t.. Flj Ing Fox. Amphitheatre 1896, by Amphioo — Reservation. bj Wisdom: in foil to Diamond Jubilee. Bella 1880, l» Persia Meadow Chat, bv Minting; with • ■•!! foal bj Orme. Medora 1800, by Bend Or Agneta, by Macaroni: in foal to Persinin Kadejda 1888, by Si. Sinon Perdita II.. bv Hampton: in toal to Orme. Meadow Chat 1892, by Minting— Stone Clink, by S|.e irhiin : bain- Ladas. Spy Glass 189:;. :.. Royal Hampton— I Spy. by Speculum: in foal to 1 ., ne. Laodamia 1890, by Kendal Chrysalis, bv Lecturer: in foal to Si. Simon. Fane 1897, by Orme— Vampire, by Galopia; in foal to Aj rehire. Bo far as arrangements have yet been made the mares will, during the coming season, be mated as follows: Loch Doon goes to Persimmon, Courtly to ih.ri/. 1 H., While l.ilac to St. Simon, Ninisueh to Thrush, Amphora to St. simon. Amphitheatre to Persimmon, Medora to Persimmon, Nadejda to Cylleae, Spy class fo Flying Pox, and Laodamia to GaUianie. An exceptionally promising batch of yearUnga left Samlringham for Bgertoa House but August, to be trained bj Marsh This is a list of them: TWO-YEAR-OLDS IN TRAINING. Court Plaister, br. c, by Persimmoa Cut try. Perspective, b. c, by Persimmoa Spy class. Perrier, b. c, bj Persimmoa Amphora. Peridore. eh. c by Persimmon Medora. Persian Lilac, br. f. by Persimmoa— White Lilac. Slmpatica, br. f. by Si. Simon l.aodamia. Wayward, bi f i Ladas -Vane. Icrolina. b. f. by Ie -inuuoii I. a Carolina. Golden Amber, eh. 1. by Diamond Jubilee — Ambleside. Maid of Norway, br. f. by si. Si n Nunsuch. Perdrigou, b. f, by Persimmon Meadow Chat chestnut filly, by Persimmon -Loch Doon. Baj My, bj Florizel II.- Chatelaine. I dealt with the yearUnga Hie other day. but it may be eoBveaieat ft I give a list of them in tabular form, a- follows: llli: BARLINGS. Bay tiliy. by Bt. Simon Meadow Chat: foaled April j:. Fay liny, b] Diamond Jul .be Bnj Class foaled April :;o Chestnal Bib/, by CyUene l.aodamia: foaled April 11. Brown filly, by Persimmoa Nunsuch; foaled April Iti. Baj till*, bj Diamoad Jubilee— White Lilac; foaled Man ii ::o. Bai idly, by Persimmoa Loch Dana; foaled Jan- uar 26 Browa filly, in Gattinule -Eclla; Coaled lobru-ary 10. Brown filly, by Persimmon —Courtly; foaled J:i 0 Brown filly, by Ayrshire — Yano: foaled April is. Chestnut eolt, bj Diamond Jubilee — Ambleside: foaled April 18. Before passing on to the Wolfertoa Stad, i mast not omit a reference to the hi ouac statue of Per-simnion. which stands eonspicaoosly in the aUddle of an enclosure oa the southern side of the stad baiMiagi in one corm-r of this enclosure is the grave Of Perdita II., marked by a suitable inserip tion. The Persimmon statue, which is a third larger than life gfate, and which in many respects N a striking presentment, has the following Inscription on the pedestal: "TWa Statat was presented to His Majesty Kin:. Edward VII. on his birthday, November P. 1940, t,y the members of the Jockey Club." The Wolfertoa Sunl. or Hie Persimmon Stud, as T believe it is generally called, is sitaated within a ataaea thiwa of Woifertoa station. It affardn arac tlcallv ua limited aceommodatkw for riaitlag bmuc There have been a-- many as s. only ti e Iheie to li rsjjnatoa ami Diamond Jubilee. All the arnuage nil nt s- are as perfect as liberal expenditure and fortnight can make them. the mares located here are treated in precisely the saute way as His Majestys I _ _ m 5 - - - - I ; own at Saadriaghaaa. The Gael that the heal of Per-I ah n stoik -Scepfraj Etnfaadel and Crjslnac II. have all been out of visiiim. mares suggests that aothiag further need be said on that point. Mr. Rawer, the well known veterinary am geaa, la at the stud almost every lay. and is In tele phonic coininunicatiou with the establishment. s that be can 1k summoned the moment there is a t 1 tor his skilled services. Here, as a I Sandringham. be has a pharmacy. A few marcs hail ar rived to PersimBMB when I was there. One was M. Rhines Profane, by Winktiebls Pride out of Ioupec. She is barren, but has, I understand. an uncoititnoniy alu hiullai, yearling by Fly lag Iox. In the next box I saw Mr. 11. de la Rues t allata, by MarcJoa out of Fabtela. she has at foot a nice lilly foal by Mauvczin. Then in sin cession 1 came across Lord Londonderrys Hulcis. in foal to Si. Serf: Col. Hall Walkers Lady I.ightfoot. in foil to DfaUB I Jubilee: M. Rhines xesterling dam of niiadi Haifa i. in foal : Callinule: Captain Michael Hughes Queens Wake, in foal to Ilori/el II.: and sir Roberi Jardtnes Baa Air. with a Illy foal by FlorfaaH II. The last-named marc is the dam of Pieteraaarltsbarg. There are apwarda of thirty EBarea Still to arrive to Persimmon.