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• PHILIP J. DWYERS STRING FOR 1907. Has Only Seven Two-Year-Olds. But All of Them Look Like Racehorses. New York. Feiiruary 21. — President I*. J. Dwyer, ol the Brookiys Jockey Chjb, has seven two-year-olds for the raetag season of 190T. They are :it Gravesend in the care of trainer Miller and are in the l est of winter condition. They have hid nothing hut shed work as yet and it is not intended that their preparation shall he hurried. The highest-priced eolt of the lot is Waldorf, the half-brother to Agile, lie is a o,h1 looking hay. bj Star Shoot — Alpena. He cost .s:;.hki at the Itunnymede sale last summer and just DOW looks to Im? well worth this sum. Ho is put up on good, Ptroag linos, with uCihmI head ami neck, strong shoulders and .piarters that would fit a three-year-old. Tyrol is a Prow ii colt, by Oasary — Yodel II.. for Which ,000 was paid at the sale of W. ol.. MaC- doaoBghs yearliags hwl vammrr He shows both ■ise and qualiiy in his make up. Ho would take tiic eye of any horseman. His eagageaseatS include the Bedford, MiBhsaart and Haaover siakos. Another promising eolt hy Star SIhhu is the chestnut out of .lanie Clay, which has heen named MoB-tauk. lie .est Mr. Dwyer .*1.:K» as a yearling and should easily win himself out. He i* eligible for the Bedford, Manhansel. and Hanover Stakes. In Carlton, hy Alherl -Hoodoo. Mr. Dwyer has au own brother to Mesmerist, and Hatasoo. two horses Which did good service in the colors of A. Feather st,.ne a few years hack. Carlton is an evenly made chesinul. with length and size to recommend him. He cost Inn 00 and should prove more useful than Albert P., another full brother, in the Dwyer striu*;. He also is in the Bedford. Manhanset and Hanover Slakes. Cedar is the name gives to a well -made lm.v filly by Fatherless, out ot Bostre. Bhe i- a full sister to the three yeai -eld orphan I. ad. which won ton races aad ,120 last year. It would hS hard to find a hot lor looking one. She eosL ,400 and is eligible for Hi- Bedford, Clever, Penal. Paasvet ami Distaff Stakes. A filly that should come to hand early is Alabama, the full sisler to Bslrskfa She is a sniait looking and well put together miss by Sir Dixou, out of Oreaaorae. She has a very raey lofiking head and Beck and splendidly turned i|Uavtor. Mr. Dwyei pail BOO for Alabama. She is eligible for the Clover. Penal and Distaff Stakes. Anson ia is a chestnut filly by Handspring, the ■ last really good horse to carry the Dwyer colors, and 1 out of Jemima. She is of the rugged, wear and i heat order, with good size, yet she east only n. Mi. may prove a bargain. Among her eiuageuie-nts 1 are tlio Clover. Bedford and Hanover Slakes. Mr. Dwyer has always been a subsorilier to the ■ Astoria Stakes, the dinner party stakes for two-year old tillies run al the Crawsond meeting and for ■ iu companion evt-ut, the Waldorf, for cults, ruu al ■ 1 i 1 ■ ■ Coney Islaml in the fall. It has boon his misfortune to liae to lease starters lor these races 0B mac than one occasion, but if the jinenilos iu his barn live up to their looks and breeding he should be Worthily represented the coming season, without hav- in_ to resort to a lease TIib older horses in the stable. Red Friar. Blue-stone and Albert P., all look well and should be useful this year. They are well engaged ami Rod Friar may carry the Dwyer silks in the BraskkfB llandieap. Air. Dwyer has never yet woa the Brooklyn, though it would possibly give him more pleasure to win thia event than any other of the countrys classics. In the days wheu Dwyer Bros. had the most powerful stable on the American turt they tried Is snal the iBBilf with such harass as Hanover. Sir Diion. l.ongstreet and others, but Han-. overs becouU to The Bard iu IbbU, the second laa — — . ■ ning of the race, was the nearest they ever came to winning it.