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CHELSEA STABLE HORSES AT BENNING IThahlagton. I . •.. Pebrnary SB. The Oheloea Stable atring, in charge of irainet Prcetcn Bitrcli. lias arrived al Penning front the DeWM r.irni. near Philadelphia The atring compriaea Paney Bird. Sim pas Honours. The Cricket, The Wrestler, Sprigtail. Tltaaoaae and the following two-yeoi olds: the la mree in parentheaia rrprfaratlat the pnrehaae price js yearlings: Saturn fgtt, b. g. by Kinlev Mack —Halo, bv St. Blaise. DoaaM T. 00. eh. g, by Requital — Curtesy. Devon I. ass ,400, ch. f. hnlf alahrr to Ap-pTuinli. by Ogden Urania, by Hamburg. Laughing Eyes 605©, ch. f. half-sister to CoaniHrniir, by Plaandea Uaxine Elliott. Beggar Man 8100, blk. g. brother to Aliliert, bv Albeit l,«-.|a. Cartwheel 00, ch. g. by Handspring -Kerie. Speculator SV, Ch. g. b lleiineiicc I.ass o* Iiw lie. Music Master iflOfl, eh. g. by Herlicrt -Annie I.a.. tie. liie horses sIoih! the trip wcg and came off the Cnra in f«a class condition.