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POTTER GETS VERDICT FOR ,250. M. II. MeCarter Potter won his suit against Grant llii-h r.r.oMie. In January. 1905, Mr. Potter sold to Mr. Rianjni for IHjSM the siallioii Royal Stag. and Ifteen brsodaaares, Mr. Biowae paid hBj. nmi and later refused to pay the remainder, claiming a suhsiiiniion of stares. Subsequently Mr. Potter bought hack IToradora. the dam of Nattie Rumppo. for ..ooi» ami then sued Mr. Rename before Jadge Mills in Ihe Supreme Court at Coslieii. N. Y., for Ihe halatice due with interest from October 1. 1MB. Last Wednesday the jury returned a verdict for Air. Poller giving him the sum of |g,2M.