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DELAWARE BILL IS WITHDRAWN. Dover, Del., March s. — The racing bill Introduced in the house of representatives of the Delaware legislature Tuesday by Representative Itennuni of Siis-.x county has been withdrawn frost the calendar by its author. As the bill was treated lileralU from the Pel cy -Cray law of New York, it was be liivetl that il would be passed. A mistake was atade in pre Mating the measure under an extraneous title, the notices having been lirst given in the senate, whereas they should have been given in the boaae, owing lo Ibe revenue nature. A pall of the leuis latere beforehand was very encouraging to the pro motors, f in y agreed, however, to the withdrawal. The fait lhat tliu measure provided for a lump tax to the state of S.MMHJO a year for good roads by every racing association in Delaware was a Strong feature, particularly as the state is now unable to meet its hxed exneasea.