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VON TROMP TAKES THE FEATURE. Los Angeles, al., March 14. — Von Tromps splen vfid effort was the feature of this afternoons rac log at Ascot Iaik. OsRyfaSg the top impost and eoneadtag weight to liis opponents, he ran to his lest form, woie down A. MsskOdSJ and had enough left to stall otf Chimney Sweeps challenge in the chi-ing strides. The remainder of the card was well halaneed and wis productive of good s| ort. The attendance was good and will average well for the next fourtee.i i:s. Janata Dsnohae and Joe Bknme left last .night for San Francisco on their way east. C. T. Jllenshall got in to-day from San Francisco. He tnill leave to-morrow for Mexico, to he gone several months, to inspect some mining claims. The card for tomorrow presents well matched fields of m-diocre racers, among which Irish Mail. TOSS, Gold Ledge; Jetsam. lii|Uet, Gilpin; Virginia Lorraine. Big Store. Slippery; Woodthoi pe. Search Me. ltesmages: Kevolt. Ruhinon. Kamona; Taylor O»orge. Tim Hurst and Nuns Veiling have run well - ni frequent SeCSStOns. B, V. OMalley.