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MORE TALK OF A HOLDING COMPANY. "During tlie recent meeting of Ihe Crescent City Jockey Club directors ii is understood that many Importaal things were discussed as affecting the Im uie of racing iu New Orleans," says the New Orleans correspondent of the Cincinnati Pnqiiirer. "One of these, ii is said, was a reorganization of the Creaceat Citj Jockey Ckah, with prominent New Orleans men in control. Ii was sialcd that the presidency of the club had been offered to one of the leading business men of the city. No definite aciiou was taken, but it is pretty nearly a sure tahag that another winter will see an entire change in the otlieial management of the Pair irouuds. "II was a good indication of the amicable feeling that has come about between warring factions that while L. A. Cella was here attending thU directors mecling he had conferences with Sir. Ileaslip and Mr. Corrigan. It is said on good authority that these talks related to a holding; company similar lo thai which was recently formed, iu Louisville to have charge of the racing both at Churchill Dow ns and Douglas Park. While iu the opinion of turfincii this might be desirable, there ale still so many difterenccs existing that it is not probable that such an agreement can be made iu the near future."