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FOLK ASKS FOR EMERGENCY CLAUSE. Expected That New Missouri Law Will Be Made Effective Within a Week. Ttffiraaa City, Mo.. April I. — Governor Folk has asked the legislature, which in baa called together ■ii special session, to add an emergency clause to the aci iim the telephoning of beta an borne racoa and there is little t that his wishes will 1m eomplied with. The anoiiiioemonl made last month that there would be racing al St. Louis from April 16 to .lime l".. caused the Governor 10 nrge Hun the law be made effective iinuiee.liately. In hi*" addreaa the Governor mid: ••The lorty third general assembly enacted a law to prevent race track gambling. Rome time last year the supreme Oonrt declared the a.-, did not apply lo bookmaker- telephoning their beta out of the siaie t be regteteved. Thia rnlhag practically nullities the statutes. I recommended to you the forty-fourth general aanembly the enactaaenl of a sintiite mating it a Feftanj t. regie lee ■ bet upon a aorae race rather an .1 bla ahoord or other anh stance, or to telephone m tel ■graph a bet aa ■ aorae race to any other state t be fi glair rrd there. This statute was paaaed, hut the emergency ehittse was overlooked, so 1 ha I it will not go inlo effect uiiiil .lune H. of tiiis year. I recommend thai you add an emergency clause to your recent enact nient."