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ROBERT BRADLEY DIES IN VIRGINIA. Widely Known by Racing Men — Won American Derby with Robert Waddell. Baltimore. Mil.. April 2.".. -Holier I Bradh y. the well known Virginia boraeaaaa, died at In- boaie, Wilraa Wharf, Va.. this ■ lag. Mr. Bradleys death was not anexpei ted. His hist appearance on the turf was at the Beaalag uncling last fall. Soon after that mectiag in- was taken ill and had been faiUng ever since, this apriag he was enable to come to Hie races himself and it was tell that the veteran tut Imams days were nuinhered. Mr. Bradley was t;7 years old. He haves a wife hut no children. Mr. Bradley was familiarly known BS "Pa" and "Virginia" Bradley, and was one of the most widely known turfmen in the country. He had meed his baraea aa every track from New Tork to California. In his time he won stakes ami purses enough to have aaade him hah" at aflcallj wealthy could lie have kept away lmm i tic setting ring. .l.oilt the litst teal good horse Bradley owned was Le Logos. With thia one he heat Klkwood in a stake race in 1887, Since then he has saddled many a good nan, including BUteen, Traverser. Robert Waddell. Beany Bay, Aloha. Peter iaul. I.ily Mtinsoii, Shoiover and a host of lesser lights. In 1401 lie won the American Derby, Sheridan Stakes and Oak wood Handicap at Washington Park with Kohert Waddell. In 1368, BMft, B3M ami lMK Theodore Coles trained for him. Since thai lime Mr. Bradley had heen his own trainer. The haraaa Mr. Bradley meed were mostly of his own breeding and lie took a justifiable pride lu that fact. He had Ihree large farms in the Tidewater country in Virginia, comprising something like IMJOO acres. His nephew. Archie Bradley, eatne tip to PiiuKco from Virginia ahotit ten days age with a string of the Bradley horses which he has been trying to dis| ose of at private sale. Archie Bradley left for home tonight to look after the funeral arrangements of his uncle.