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THE BROOKLYN HANDICAP HORSES. Next Monday i- Brooklyn Handicap day. Ten rears ago, largely becaaae of ante-posl betting, the big rmee would hare beea actively discussed la the spoiling columns of the newspapers for weeks la sdraaee of the running. Tula yen- it has had no ssore t: an oce* tonal [mining notice. Yet the big race K .is important and rateable ;is ever, will attract as great ■ crowd as erer witneaaed the dedalqa of ■ Brooklyn, if not greater, and the result will be canrassed by natrons of racing with as much interest as in former yen-. Indeed there i- good reason bow to expeel the held of this gears Brooklyn to be soasethlng reeaarkable in number of starters and high class of the contest ants. Tokalon, the winner last year; Go Between, winner or the Suburban of !::x.. a. ■••mutant, the chief money es r r last year, and Dandelion, winner of the Saratoga Handicap of 1908, are prae tlcaUy certain starters and if the track la fast and tii" weather favorable it la probable a great throng will view the following cracks in ad ion i.i the 0,000 race: .1. B. Bradys b. e, Accountaahj 4 124 E. K. Ti las b, b. Go Between t; 120 B. Hi b, Dandelion ;, lis H. P. Whitneys eh. m, Tanya 5 ht G. C. Bennetts br. m DIi babiUe 5 ll ; •■ W. Full, rs b. in. Tokalon ; lit; C. E. Darnells br. c, Nealon 4 114 I. A. Benneta ch. 1. Flip Flap [4 112 s. Pagjrt - !. b Call tgorm 5 ti" A. Belmonts, ch. b, Blandy 5 111 .1 McLaughlins gr. b, Oxford .". no M. II. Tlcbenors b. .. Good i.u k ! 10s J. L. McGinnis ch. g, Buttling 5 hit P. 3. Dmer* eh. b. Red Friar g jot B. Sdireibers br. c, Jack Atkln ...:: to .:. 1:. Keenes br g, Philander :; 117 ;. .1. Longs sk. c. Areite 3 .,- Brow nleigii Park Stables b. r Sewell :; ! 7 Newcastle Stales ch. g, .1 c Core :: :»; A. Helm nits eh. g, Okenlte :; :,:; Except Acooantant and Areite, each of the lore going horsca has started this rear and raced In good form. Ac mutant and Arctte hare trained oxoii-t hniiy and har ts m annoanced to be certain to go to the post. Philander may not represent Mr. Keene. He has Kuroki. 109, Sup, .man. 05, Gretna Green. 95 and Veil. 94, engaged as well a* Iiiiiander. but MM fall the latter so unmistakably showed himself to l»e a slayer that it is probable be will be seat for the big arlae, peehmpa with ■ stable mate 1,1 help. Tony Faust may be sent to the post in place of Jack Atkin. or both may go. Then there are Biieh possibilities as Cotlontown. IIS; Hot Toddy, 112: Gallavant. Ill: Wexford. 107; Bulls Lye. MS; Urazialio, 102; Samuel H. Harris, 100; Muster of craft. 100; Bat Maateraaa, ami Theyre Off, 82. So all around it is quite within the range of probabilities that twenty or more horses will contest the the twenty tirst running of the Brooklyn Handicap.