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MCARTERS COSMOPOLITAN. WITH RIDERS REVERSED FRANK GILL MIGHT HAVE WON. Frizette Wins the Laureate Stakes — Mr. Mc- Cann Victorious in the Steeplechase — Rain at Belmont Park. New York. Hay 27. Baeteg waa conducted uu ili-r adverse conditions at r.elnioiit Park this after nooa. Tor tin- greater part of the lime rata araa tailing .iii.i daring tbe rnanmg of the Laureate lakes, there it ~- ■ dowapoar arhieh made ii impossible i,. see anything bat tbe Baish aad its approach. The track «raa deep Id aoft mud aad only boraea artth eatabllshed repatath»a :is mini raaaera foaad friends in tbe BMrket. Tin CoBBtopoHtan Handicap was area by tbe New castle BtaMea McCarter, which beat Frank cill by Ike aarrowesi poaaible margin. Tbe latter was beat aad coald Notter have beea of say* help to liini in the last half farfoag, would eertaiulj bare nm ii. Frank cm eaate ap oa tbe outside of Mc Carter after Making tbe tara for uoaae aad the burses ware running ao close together thai Notter coald noi ux- hia whip in bhi right band. The reins were evidently slipper] also, as lie was fumbling them badly. Three strides from the iaisb Notter shifted liis whip to hi* left band and hit the colt on.- blow, hut ii came too Uite. McCarter was tiring from ins pacemablng efforts, hut Jast held on to get the money. With riders reversed, Frank Cill would probably bare won. Yet McCarter raa a high class race, the best in fact that he has shown. lie was bothered some at the start, hut QjBlckly found iiis way to the front whea elear, while Frank Kill, after gutting awaj well, was oatroa to the hist |uaiter. VicCarters tine- was 1 1". This is foar-dftha of ■ second behind the record, aad eon sideriag the going, it marks MeCarters perforatance as ;i rery assart one. it was the second running of the CosaiOBolltaa and the secaad victory fur the Newcastle stable. Inquisitor wiaalag last yea,. Transvaal, the Keeiie entry for the Laureate Stakes, was withdrawn and Frizette. a stable mate. was added, to win easily, while tin heavily backed . YV. Bart was apparently unable to run in the mad, although his sire. Don de Oro, was a superior mad runner. The steeplechase held was in very had condition and the edda-oa favorite Barrett, was unable to mak.- any sort Ol a showing In the deep goiag. The i.tlier turned ap in .Mr. llcCaaa, well ridden by si. .ne. who permitted Fallabeen and Palm to race themselves into exhaustion in the flrat two miles. Weshaaree won the closing race, coanpletlag a double for Colonel Babert Neville, owner of Mr. lie- i aim. BaUliag Tom was the heavily backed horse .•f the trio of starters, bat was badlj Interfered with by Tommy Waddell. Jest before the finish. Welboiii tie. which was leading, swerved over in front of Toiiiiny Waddell. laterfertag Willi him slightly. Mountain, who rode Smiling Tom. made a .laim agahiat Miller, which was sustained. Tommy Waddell was disqualified, and Miller lined £30 for roagh riding. Miller had a good day, wiaalag both of the stakes and also riding Aletbeuo, which beat Priace Ha meat g in the opeaing sprint. With the Kay Chester Stakes as the stake attrae lion, there is promise of good racing for tomorrow and with Kosemount. Killiccraiikic. Kilter; Kin, .lames. I.ejeiiuesse. PordeUo; Montgomery, Theyre off. Doa Bariqae; Hllgert, Paritaa Girt, Vestabella; Chief Hayes. Shenandoah. St. Valentine; Ked Biver, Krookdale Nymph and charl.s Edward aaaaag the horses named to start, a bin crowd will probably be in evidence.