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, i , IDA BICKWICK DIES AT HAMBURG PLACE. Lexington, Ky.. March 5. — Ida Pickwick, formerly a queen of the western turf, died at Hamburg Place this morning, just after foaling a bay colt by Migraine. John E. Madden says the colt is a handsome one. and will make an effort to raise it by hand. Ida Pickwick was twenty years old. by Mr. Pickwick, put of Ida K.. by King Alfonso, and was bred by E. 8. Gardner at Avond.ilc Stud in Tennessee. When she was through racing she was retired to the Avon-i dale Stud and produced Ida Quicklime, Ivory Bells — dam of Donata — Frank L. Perley and Pickwick. Then Madden liought ber and she produced Plausible and Coppers for him.