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1 ] . , 1 • I , 1 ; . , , 1 | j t 1 | , , j j j | , 1 1 . KENTUCKY RACING DATES ARE ALLOTTED. Lexington to Lead Off, April 22, and Be Followed by Louisville and Latonia, *, 1 LextafftoU, Ky.. March 20. — Kentucky vill.,iliavc seventy-four days of racing the coming spring and summer, ten days here, twenty-three lays at Louisville and f rt.v-onp days at Ixitonia. The. dates as allotted at a meeting t the, State Racing Comniis sion here today afc as. follows: Kentucky Baring Association. Lexington, Wednesl day. April 22. to Satnrilay. May 2. New Louisville Jockey Club. Louisville, Tuesday. May .1. to May 30 .. M« I.-itonia Joekev Club. Covington. Tuesday. June 2. to Saturday. July 18. The Lcnlsvrtle meeting will be held at the Churchill Downs track, and the Kentucky l erby will be run Mav 5. The Latonia Derby will be run June 2. Latonia made application for thirty-four days and asked that Decoration Day. May 30. be given to that track. Louisville, in view of the fact that 1 parl-mutuel machines are to be used there*, for the first time in many years, wanted four or five additional days for educational purposes, and the commission felt that circumstances warranted the granting of the request, and allotted that track a total of twenty-three days. This precluded giving Decoration Day " to Latonia. aM as a recompense for this loss an additional seven days were allotted to Latonia. The action of the commission iu setting the open- 1 ing dates at Louisville and Latonia on a Tuesday instead of Monday, is an innovation well received by tic horsemen. It gives them two days instead of one for shipping and will consequently eliminate much of the usual hurry iu getting away from one track and getting located at another. At a meeting of the commission h Id November 29 last Colonel E. F. Clay proposed the following rule: "No racing association licensed by this commission shall furnish to poolrooms or their agents any in format ion whatever in regard to racing, or permit to he furnis.ied from its course any such informa-ton." This rub is in keeping with the recently enacted state law; forbidding the operation of poolrooms in this state, and was passed without a dissenting voice. A rule M-qniriua. a license from every -trainer and jockey participating in the racing in this state was passed. The license fee for trainers and jockeys was fixed at 0 and for apprentice jockeys . Secretary Rouse wtis instructed to prepare application blanks at once and to make the announcement that applications for licenses must be made by April Is. when the commission will meet here for the purpose of passing on the applications. The commission feels that with power to grant and revoke licenses it can hold jockeys and trainers .•inieiialile to the governing liody in this state and that as a consequence racing will be freer from untoward incidents, the use of drugs, particularly. It is planned by the commission that when a fund is created from license fees the excess will be devoted to the needs of disabled-trainers and jockeys. The books of the commission arc subject to inspection at all times by the public, and it is no bard matter to understand the deliberations of the body. The tnenibei-s present today were Chairman J. P. Chiim. Cilonel Milton Voitiie;. Mr. Charles Orainger. Mr. Lulis Des Vgnets and secretary Rouse. OokMM I Clay is ill at his home in Bourbon county. The action «f the commission, coupled with the news from New York concerning the probable defeat of the Agnew-Hart bill, has put the breeders and horsemen in a happy frame of mind.