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Ontario Jockey Club TORONTO SPRING MEETING MEETINGMay May 23 to June 6 inclusive The attention of owners in the United States is specially speciallydrawn drawn to the following Stakes which close closeWednesday Wednesday April 22nd FOR THREE YEAR OLDS AND FOR THREEYEAROLDS THREEYEAROLDSWoodstock UPWARD UPWARDToronto Woodstock Plate 2000 Added AddedWOODSTOCK Toronto Cup 5000 Added AddedTORONTO WOODSTOCK PLATE For threeyearolds A TORONTO CUP For threeyearolds and up ¬ Sweepstakes of 20 each half forfeit to the winner ward A Sweepstakes of 30 each 10 forfeit to with 2000 added of which 300 to second horse the winner with 000 added of which 700 to and lrO to third A winner of 1500 to carry a second horse and 00 to third Weight for age ll s extra of two races of 1500 or one of 2500 A winner of 1000 in 1007 or 100S to carry Ibs to carry 5 Ibs Nonwinners of 1000 allowed 5 extra of two races of 1000 or one of lr 00 5 Ibs of 500 10 Ibs maidens 15 Ibs IbsOne Ibs extra Nonwinners of 500 in 1907 or 1003 One Mile and a Furlong allowed 7 Ibs maidens if threeyearolds 12 Ibs fouryearolds and upward 15 Ibs IbsOne One Milo and a Furlong FOR TWOYEAROLDS TWOYEAROLDSVictoria King Edward Hotel Gold Cup Victoria Stakesl000 Added AddedVICTORIA 1500 Added AddedTHE THE KING EDWARD HOTEL GOLD CUP VICTORIA STAKES For twoyearolds A Sweepstakes of 15 each 5 forfeit to the winner A Challenge Cup value 1500 For threeyearolds with 1000 added pf which 200 to second horse and upward A gold cup presented by the King and 100 to third A winner of 1000 to carry a Kdward Hotel Co Toronto to which is added a Ibs extra Nonwinners of 400 Sweepstakes of 20 each half forfeit to the winner allowed 5 Ibs with 1COO of which 200 to second horse and 100 uiaidcns 10 Ibs Five Furlongs FurlongsTyro to third Three horses the property of different owners to start or the win of the Cup void for that Tyro Stakesl000 Added AddedTYRO year The Cup to be held by the Ontario Jockey Club or the King Edward Hotel until won and to TYRO STAKES Selling For twoyearolds become the absolute property of any owner winning A Selling Sweepstakes of 15 each 5 forfeit to same four times or three years in succession the winner with 1000 added of which 200 to Weight for age A winner of 1500 in 1007 or 1OS second and 100 to third The winner to be sold to carry o Ibs extra of two such races or one of by auction for 3000 If entered to bo sold for less 2500 5 Ibs extra Nonwinners of 500 in 1007 than 3000 1 ll allowed for each 100 down to allowed 7 Ibs Maidens if threeyearolds allowed SOO Selling price to be staled through the entry 10 Ibs fouryearolds and upward allowed 12 Ibs box at the course at 12 oclock neon the day before One Mile and a Quarter the race or to be sold for 3000 3000Five Five Furlongs Waterloo Handicap 1200 Added WATERLOO HANDICAP For threeyearolds STEEPLECHASES STEEPLECHASESWoodbine and upward A Sweepstakes of 15 each 5 forfeit to the winner with 1200 added of which 200 to second horse and 100 to third AVeights announced Woodbine Steeplccliasel000 Wednesday June 3rd Winners after publication of the same to carry 5 Ibs extra Added AddedWOODBINE extraOne One Mile and a Furlong WOODBINE STEEPLECHASE For fouryear olds and iiDward At 5 Ibs below the scale A IMinto Stakes 1000 Added AddedMINTO Sweepstakes of 15 each 5 forfeit to the winner with 1000 added of which 200 to second horse MINTO STAKES Selling For threeyearolds and 100 to third Fouryearolds to carry 140 Ibs and upward A Selling Sweepstakes of 15 each 5 fiveyearolds 154 Ibs sixyearolds and upward forfeit to the winner with 1000 added of which 101 Ibs A winner of a steeplechase in 1007 or 100S 200 to second horse and S100 to third The winner of 400 to carry 3 Ibs extra of two such or one of to be sold by auction for 3000 If entered to be 600 5 Ibs extra Nonwinners of a steeplechase sold for less than 3000 1 Ib allowed for each 100 or hurdle race allowed 10 Ibs Sex allowance as by down to 800 Selling price to be stated through rule but no horse shall carry less than ISO Ibs IbsTwo the entry box at the course at 12 oclock noon on Two and a Half Miles the day before the race or to be sold for 5000 5000One One Mile and a Sixteenth Street Railway Steeplechase Prince of Wales Handicap 1000 Added AddedPRINCE Handicapl000 Added AddedSTREET PRINCE OF WALES HANDICAP For three STREET RAILWAY STEEPLECHASE Handi ¬ yearolds and upward A Sweepstakes of 15 each cap For fouryearolds and upward A Sweep 5 forfeit to the winner with 1000 added of slakes of 15 each 5 forfeit to the winner with which 200 to second horse and 100 to third 1000 added of which 200 to second horse and Weights announced Monday May 2oth Winners 100 to third AVeights announced Wednesday after publication of the same to carry 5 Ibs extra extraSis June 3rd Winners after publication of the same to Sis Furlongs carry 5 Ibs extra Two and a Half Miles Liberal added money to all overnight events on the flat and in steeplechases steeplechasesNo No purse less than 500 500Entrance Entrance money in all races to the winner W P FRASER Secretary Treasurer TreasurerImperial Imperial Bank Building Toronto Canada