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SIXTH RACE 1 116 Miles 4yearolds and upward Selling G5135 l4Gj 3 100 QUAGGA b c 4 by Dungarven Xallapa F M Arthur Weight today 105 74415 Lexgton 1 116 l52g mud 21 107 511 1 1 1 J Loo Mortiboy Plantland Sir Vagrant 74306 Lexington 1 U42 good 7 104 2 5 S 4 4 45 Kllenor Beau Brummel Convolo Mortiboy 74124 Quagga7S908 FGrnds 1 316 200i fast 32 107 3 2 2 2 2l 35 Notter Gllpin Lady Esther Quagga 7S908 City Park 1 14 206i fast 1110 106 4 3 2 2 11 1 Notter Creel Doubt Belle Scott GEORGE BAILEY ch g 4 by Whaterlou Signora J U Strode Weight today 98 741SS FGrnds 1 316 201g good 40 107 5 G 7 5 S F Burton Druid Tcrnus San Ardo 74123 Elfall73SG5 FGrnds 1 316 201g fast 25 99 3 10 10 10 10 10leJBilac Coruscate Lord Dixon Elfall 73SG5 CityPark 1 116 1544 mud 8 107 5 8 5 1 1 1 Minder Terns Rod La Payctte Suffice 73776 CityPark 1 18 l54g fast 20 100 7 7 7 8 Si 8J C Henry Coruscate Eifall Gilfaln CHARLATAN b h 5 by Matt Byrne Acidalie W Gum Waight today 111 74169 FGrnds 1 316 2034 slow S 111 S 5 4 2 I1 lh icol Wise Hand Tcrnus Carew CarewL 7409S FGrounds 1 18 1542 fast 20 10S 3 5 7 5 S 5B J Lee L Macfarlan Koyal Bn Druid 73164 FGrnds Im70y 150 hvy 6 110 12 7 7 10 10 102 1V Powers Hughes Gllpin Creel 73049 FGrnds 1 116 1481 fast 30 105 11 G S 11 13 1321JV Powers JohnSmulskl TClansman Grenade CAMILLE blk f 4 by Streamer Mediea W A Smith Weight today 102 74583 Lexington 1 1472 hvy 6 107 1 4 4 4 51 6 = Hcidcl St Valentine MaryOrr llazellatch 74513 Lexgton 1 116 147 fast 12 98 3 4 7 8 5i J Butler Tivolini Goldway Halbard 74463 Lexington 1 1414 slow 10 108 1 4 10 10 10l llMIcid l Hostile Hyphen StIlario Ed Kane 71666 Latonia 78 1262 mud 95 100 199 9 71 612JA Walsh Belltoone St Noel Deacon DeaconSYLVAN SYLVAN BELLE ch m 6 by Forest Keturah F W Torreyson Weight today 10G 74633 Loisville 1 116 Ii24 hvy 102 4 11 11 10 S1 S3XJ Norris Mortiboy Nan y Bucket Brigade 74222 FGrounds 78 1262 fast 30 107 1 4 4 5 61 8I3G Swain BcnDouble THobinsonMrPealtody 74206 FGrounds 78 126 fast 75 108 10 8 4 3 4l 43 J Baker Miss Strome Spion Ben Double 74150 FGrounds 1 18 l55g fast IB 110 4 1 1 1 I1 In Nicol Jlllshora Mazonia Lemon Clrl CANOPIAN b g B byCanopus Illuminating D E Woodruff Weight today 108 74563 Lexington 1 147 hvy 20 113 7 S S S 73 721 Kermath St Valentino MaryOrr HaelPatih 744S5 HaelPatih744S5 Lexington 34 115 good 10 103 7 85 52 5 ICormath Sir Vagrant Mat Mack Marv Orr 743S6 Orr743S6 Lexington 31 111 J fast 30 111 9 8 5 92 9 10 Kermath NightMist Condico LcxingtonLady 74109 FGrnds 1 316 2034 slow 20 104 323 7 91 9iKeruiath Charlatan Wise Hand Ternus FONSOLUCA ch g 9 by Fonso Lucasta J McCullough Weight today 108 73993 Milshora73S64 FGrnds 1 18 l54g fast 20 100 12 12 12 12 II1 11 J S Flynn La Fayette Maelstrom Milshora 73S64 CityPark 1 116 155 mud 12 IOC G 10 10 9 71 7ISS Flynn Sam Uice JRizonia Ktta M 73164 FGrnds Im70y 1501 hvy 15 97 9 10 11 11 lis H23jHurnagpl Hughes Gllpin Creel 72875 City Park 1 14 2l3g hvy 12 97 7 G 5 4 4l 5 C Henry Paul Suffice Daring LABOR ch g 10 by Montana The Task D W Rogers Weight today 103 61317 BhananTlieKiiglishmanKTIiistlfToIioggaiiG4253 Latonia 1 143 good 12 109 1 6 Pulled up W BhananTlieKiiglishmanKTIiistlfToIioggaii G4253 Latonia 78 1332 mud 7 101 3 3 4 4 2l 2l W Bhananlhiora PlratesDance tyroliueW