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AL FOKEMAN FOKEMANwho who holds the record for the longest consecutive nin of winning Dally One Best Bets eighteen In number which caused all bis selections to bo limited in odds announces to his western clients that on Wednesday May IBtb Opening I ny Itelmont Part one of the best engineered coups by one of the shrewdest horsemen will occur This horse starts in the fifth race has bean specially primed and kept in reserve for this race and cannot lose excepting through an accident You can win what you wish if you have the nerve to bet with the same confi ¬ dence on a 10 or J1 shot that you would on an eycn money choice Last year you all remeinbtr under the same condition I gave GLORIFIER 121 WON and have never been more sanguine In my life than as to the outcome of the race Wednesday GUAHANTEK GUAHANTEKThis This horse must win with odds of 10 to 1 or bet ¬ ter or you are entitled to my famous one horse wire for one week entirely free This same wire during the season netted S clear on a 10 bet I want all my western friends to IKS aboard and to miss this opimrtunity means you dont want iiuv moiiev It will again prove Who is Who in the line oC information strictly ono horse advised TfKMHi FIVE DOLLAU8 DOLLAU8Ilemit Ilemit by telegraph special delivery or registered letter Name of horse will reach you before IIIMIII the day of the race Wednesday Its a seldom op ¬ portunity one that made Foreman famous to par ¬ lay a shoestring Into a bankroll bankrollAddress Address all remittances AL FOREMAN a Btuyvtvant 8t New Tork City