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COIINS RACING DAYS OYER XEENES INVINCIBLE COLT BREAKS DOWN AFTER A BRILLIANT BELMONT TRIAL Pulled Up Sound Apparently out His Trainer Soon SoonDiscovered Discovered He Had Bowed the Tendons Tendonsof of Both Forelegs N w York May CS Colin James II Kecnes great unbeaten tlircc yearold and classed by many as the best horse of Tecent years btoke down this morning and it is improbable that lie will ever again be seen in a raw Colin liowed In both forelegs and bis hopelessThe ease is considered hopeless The breakdown came sifter a particularly brilliant trial for Hie IScliiiout Slakes to be run Saturday Trainer Itowo wanted to work 1he horse one mil and a ciiarler in about 2flS but he was generous with his spewl rind even with Uowe waving the boy back Colin ran the mile in 13S and the mile and a quarter in 205 It was ti splendid trial and those who witnessed it were more lirnily convinced than ever of the gmttnorc of the coll and agreed that hi held Hie big threeyear old list tiro at his mercy Colin left the track In lirstrale condition but half an hour later when his trainer went to his stall he found the colt l lowed owed in both forelegs iSews of the injury was received at Itelmont Park iarly in the afternoon and regrets that the colt which had become a popular idol through his grand racing were expressed by horsemen and laymen silihel Kcino was not at the track but Itowe could liardly speak of the colts injuries without shedding tears Colin was in better physical condition than 1 bad ever been he said Tin growth on his hock had almost entirely disappeared and with this oveeptiou there was not so much as a pimple on him While the full extent of the injuries had not been determined Kovo did not believe that the colt would ever race again It is improbable that Mr Kuene would care to race him patched up as he can now be retireil to live stud full of the honors 4 hat go with aii unbeaten record Colin won twelve raises last year and won his only start the Withers Htakes this season seasonWhile While much has been written about the good fortune of Mr Kcene there is another side to Hie story Domino the biggest moneywinner in the history of the American turf died after two or three years in the stud duriiig which time he sent the game Commando Disguise winner of one of Eng ¬ lands famous ten thousandpound races Cap and Bells winner of the English Oaks and many other good horses to the turf Commando broke down in the localization and died after a short stud sea ¬ son Svsoubv which made a clean sweep of the threeyearold fixtures in ll5 ami for which 200 OOO was said to have been refused died in the spring of his fouryerroid form and now Colin son of Commando and grandson of Domino is taken from racing at the virtual beginning of his three yearold career It is altogether improbable that Mr Keene has a threeyearold to take the plAcc of Colin though Celt out for the hrst time today jind winner of the Jockey Club AVeightforAge Itace in which he defeated th redoubtable Jack Alkln is surely a colt of the highest class lint unfortunately Celt is not well engaged in the big specials for horses of his age lie will lie Mr Jeenes representative in the Prooklyn Handicap next Monday and may repeat the success oE Super ¬ man last year