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New York Entries and Past Performances for Tuesday June 30 WEATHER CLEAR TRACK FAST NEW YORK ENTRIES ENTRIESSheepshead Sheepshead Bay Racing starts at 230 p in Chicago time 130 XRuns well in mud Superior mud runner runnerFirst First Race G 12 Furlongs Main Course 3yearolds and upward Fillies aud Mares Selling 1 Track record 17502 11 Sj 3 103 Ind Horses Rcc A Wt Hdcp 75552 Oessina 5 5114X750 1 11 11755ST 755ST Queen Marguerite 97 745 745r10SX745 754422 Tipping 5 r10SX745 105 75571 Imitator 3KK 100 745 745lO 72014 Biskra lO 103 740 740l20i 75520 Aimee C l20i 3 9 95 740 r571 Miss Xorfork 3 9 9T419 95 740 740105X735 T419 Explosion 121 3 10 105i24 105X735 5i24 Wild Refrain 93 731 7r 2 Black Mary 3 K5X725 j jT5H T5H Coincident 10 1075iit 103X720 75iit Lady Karma 4 4103X700 Hi 74815 Dialplate I 3 9 9Second 95 190 Second Race About 2 Miles Steeplechase 1ycarolds and upward Handicap Track Vecord 34GU9 103 1 15 15ri03fSt ri03fSt Kevin 5 MiT Mi 7 0 04142XUI5 T Malacca 4142XUI5 1 14 14751hStKing 751hStKing Castlu 4 15 15573slronsides 150 590 573slronsides 5 14 141 590 5557 Dick Sliaw 5 13 5i3 Weirdsome 45 IS ISO XO 10 5001 Ectmi my 4 15 1575W3 155 X 585 75W3 Expansionist 7 7152XI5S5 15 157r 7r o Paprika 5 535Xt8 33 7517 Canvas 4 4135X5SO 13 13t52 t52 Robador 13 130X SO 152 Bloodstone 5 13 135 575 751503 Jig Music 5 5130 130 575 72031 Meddlesome Boy 1130XG5UTampico 113UXU5U Tampico b c by Ben BenStrome Strome Barcarola 1135 I W Colt entry jP J Raincy entry entryThird Third Race 58 Mile Futurity Course Course2yearolds 2yearolds Selling Track record 25039 58 2 115 75504 TAKAHIRA 100 91CX725 91CX72575U57 75U57 Preceptor 101J 105 X720 75522 = Sea Cliff 101 105 715 75525 Taboo 101 s 99 715 75518 Uncle Jim 101 101 715 75504 Fore 100 99 715 75504 Hanonia 101 99 710 75555 Crania 99X710 75305 Beauty Bright 99 705 705755SG 755SG Spectatress 99 705 75297 Woymouth 95 705 70575G04 75G04 Lady Swift 91 705 73350 AVestmore IOC 700 75341 Merise U 700 75525 Yankee Daughter M01J 99X700 75003 Short Cut 105 090 75550 Leakout 102 590 590Traveller Traveller cli c by Prince of Melbourne Rose Prim 102 St Abe ch c by St Leonards Queens ton 99 Lasata b g by Soli ¬ taire II Bohemian Lass 01 Fourth Race 1 18 Miles Spindrift Handicap 3000 added added3yearolds 3yearolds Truck record 47325 152 4 91 75IJ05 Firestone 109 109Oil2 Oil2 Hessian no 75495 Master Robert 110 110755S4 755S4 Falcada 132 75143 Earl G 103 75552 Royal Tourist 114 114755G9 755G9 Rosimiro 97 9775IS5S 75IS5S Gowan 95 5505 SpooiiLT 93 751505 Live Wire 90 90Fifth Fifth Race 1 14 Miles Turf Course Course15yearolds 15yearolds and upward Selling Track record 01577 205J 3 109 75471 Pontoon 4 93 93X750 75570 Grapple 15 110 110r005 715 715r005 r005 Crack Shot 205 3 93 74 55242 242 Beauclore 212 212J 4 98 9SX745 75524 Brother Jonathan 3 93 745 75524 Prince Ching 8 105 105i X 740 740i i Pins and Needles 207A 410G X735 75553 Red Friar 205s 5 105 105X7ST 75512 Winning Star 3 87 S7X730 75 Xj5 Lally 207 4 4101X720 4101X720Sixth 101 Sixth Race 5 12 Furlonps Futurity Course Course2yearolds 2yearolds Maiden Special Weights Track record 20037 104 i 2 122 The Aicar ch jr by byHamburg Hamburg Vespers 112 75I5253 The Pippin 108 112 725 751173 Tod 115 X720 75497 Moorish King 108J 115 X7K 75589 Petticott 112 715 7157r022 7r022 Rostrum 1081 115 X710 X7107554S 7554S Helen Harvey v 112 710 75507 Clef l0 i 112 X70 X70i52 i52 Fredonia 112 705 7 359 Westmore 115 700 7007554S 7554S Joe Lett 115 700 70075s 75s 7 Banbury 115 700 75497 Howth 115 700 52ii Great Kills 115 595 595i55tft i55tft Corona Bellu 112 C93 C93Dandy Dandy Dixon blk r by Sir Dixon Dor Dordica dica 115 Killcrecn br c bv Buck Massie Miss MissSchelmer Schelmer 115 115Mugwump Mugwump for c by Iwocohatchee Re ¬ form mare 115 Gus Helm b c by oldcrest Grace GraceLee Lee 115 Peseatore ch g by Requital Fisher FisherGirl Girl 112 Summer Night ch f by Star Shoot Blue BlueMass Mass 112 112II II P Whitney entry The figures under Rec in alwve entries show the best time made by the horse at the distance distancesince since January 1 190G This time is not necessarily necessarilymade made by a winner It may be the estimated time of a losing performance